Chapter 19: Hi Lady Mnemosyne

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Percy's Pov:

"So you're Lelantos" I guessed, "though I can't recall a single story where you were present at the birth of my wife, Artemis, and her annoying little twin brother,  Apollo" I finished, while motioning for the rest of our children to come out from cover as he likely knows that they are there, as he still has his hands up

"Yes, and I'll help you. Mother already told me what your goals are, but uhhh...could you tell them to stop aiming at me it's making me uncomfortable"

"I could, if you make an oath to never harm my children, Uncle" Artemis stated, too sternly to be joking or allowing room for compromise.

Lelantos let out a slight shiver and mumbled something that sounded like, a comparison of how Artemis is a lot like her mother, when it comes to her children. "fine I swear on the styx to never harm a descendant or child of my niece, Artemis, including the children she adopts" Lelantos relented, and the girls put their bows away, only for Lelantos to put his hands down shortly thereafter.

"Can you hit Atlas in the head again great Uncle lelantos" Zoë asked, smiling far to innocently to have any good intentions behind the request, though she's likely testing him to see if she can trust him, despite the oath he just took.

Lelantos just took the request in kind and picked up a tree before shattering it against Atlas's head. I feel sorry for the nymph of that tree...if there was a nymph of that tree. "Is that better" Lelantos asked softly to which Zoë nodded and took her more usual form of a 12 year old like her mother use to take.

Lelantos seemed to make the quick observation and conclusion. "Seems mother likes to leave out important information" he mumbled

"Yeah I'm pretty sure she didn't tell you that we all live under the sea as well" I stated, and Lelantos shook his head, confirming my statement

"So are we going to look for the original Titanesses or not, niece and nephew in law" Lelantos asked us.

"Yes" Artemis stated annoyed, like it was an obvious reason for why we came here in the first place

"Well they haven't been here in a long while and their trails covered very long ago. However, I do know the locations of a few of them. Mnemosyne is in Bethesda, Maryland working for the NIH, Themis is in the US capitol, and I think working at the Supreme Court discreetly but I'm not sure on that, Mother, Phoebe is obviously living with my sister, Leto, now, and Tethys is in the region of the great lakes, though I don't know which one of the lakes" Lelantos told us (AN: I for some gods forsaken reason had Themis written down twice but I fixed it)

"what of the others" I asked

Lelantos looked at me offendedly, "Do you have any idea how hard it was to find my mother nevertheless the information I have on her siblings as well" He stated

"No. But I was asking about the other titanesses. You know Rhea and Theia" I said, only for lelantos to roll his eyes.

"I don't know anything other than that Theia can be anywhere from Europe to Dubai to Australia to Japan to the West Coast to New York City. She can literally be anywhere with vast wealth and shiny things. As for Rhea no one not even her children have heard from her since the fall of Rome" Lelantos exasperated

(An: you're wrong Lelantos but you'll find that out later...oh wait sorry 4th wall is undergoing maintenance)

"Dad can we just go and find Mnemosyne now, as we know the most about her" Julia asked

"yeah sure I guess" I stated as the girls started to gather around Artemis and I to teleport

"I recommend you dont flash there, they are cautious about that and are generally leaving quickly if you least that's my experience having looked for mother" Lelantos stated

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