Chapter 5: Nonsense

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Percy's POV:

Once Thalia got back, we got an Iris message from Chris, "What should I do if you have things in the PO box" Chris asked

Thalia and myself immediately started cracking up laughing, because he's not doing the obvious. "Deliver it here to me, and then you can go help your father for the rest of the day" Artemis sighed out annoyed, whether at Thalia's and my own antics or at Chris, us three will probably never truly know. could be because of all three of us...probably was all three of us.

"Percy, Thalia. I love the both of you, but holy Hera, do you two act more like siblings than cousins" She said, as we both calmed from our laughing.

"Well, when we're with Nico, we our titled the little big three" Thalia and I both said at the same time only to glare at each other

"you two are definitely your father's children" Artemis sighed out

"Hey we have the same dad you know" Thalia defended, yeah I tend not to think about being married to my cousin, or the family tree for that matter.

I was certain that Artemis was about to retort, but was interrupted by many shouts of mom ringing throughout the palace. "we should go see what they want" Artemis sighed

"Do we have too" Estella asked in her arms, and Thalia passed out in shock that she spoke, which only drew laughter from Estella.

"Yes Estella, we do" Artemis said walking off, "Percy wake up Thalia and come see what they want" Artemis said

I was rather reluctant to wake up Thalia, but I just shot a blast of ice cold water at her to wake her up before dragging her off to where the girls were. "Estella did she...did she talk" Thalia asked shocked

"Yeah, she does that, occasionally. She's just really shy, and is only just starting to open up to more people. Mainly those around Artemis and myself" I explained as we were walking through the ballroom, towards the entrance of the entertainment room.

"so that's who" Thalia asked

"Well yourself, and Artemis's and my adopted daughters, for now. Clarisse may have scared her a little " I said

"so she doesn't talk to you" Thalia asked teasingly

"She nearly exclusively talked to my mother, Paul, Artemis and myself, until this morning" I said

"Oh" Thalia said

"That's my line. I have it trademarked" I said, just to annoy Thalia as we were entering the entertainment room, to see Artemis surrounded and the girls asking questions galore.

"Girls back off your mother please" I said

"well we're hungry" they complained, and I just gave Artemis a really look to which she nodded.

"Thalia take the girls to the dining tent to eat" I said, and they immediately swarmed Thalia, who looked annoyed at me, but stopped when she saw Artemis, looking at her, probably telling her mentally to just take them to eat, so she can rest.

"Tired" I asked Artemis, as she walked over to me and buried her head in the crook of my neck.

"Yes...being pregnant is just tiring" She complained lightly into my shoulder.

"you wanna lay down with Estella for a little before I have to go and return a call" I asked, and she nodded.

"Do you want pillow Percy" I asked, and well I didn't need to as I already knew the answer

"Yeah" Artemis said with a yawn. I'm guessing sleeping in the chair wasn't as good for her as it was me...then again I'm used to sleeping in odd positions 

I picked Artemis up Bridal style and Estella was using Artemis as a...hammock, I guess now as she was still being carried by her. I walked over to the master bedroom and then inside our tent, which Estella looked around at in wonder, as well she's technically never seen animal pelts/hides before.

"Your brother was pretty similar when he first saw my tent" Artemis said to Estella

"really" she asked

"Yeah but I was mainly thinking of how PETA would have a heart attack if they walked in here" I said, as I laid them down onto the bed before moving around to the other side to crawl in and become a pillow for Artemis. 

"What's PETA" Estella asked

"an organization and that's all you need to know about them for now" I said, as Artemis was maneuvering her head into a comfortable position on my shoulder and placing Estella onto my chest.

"Oh ok" Estella said and then yawned

"Get some sleep the both of you" I asked, only to realize Artemis was already asleep, and Estella was half way there and was nodding ever so slightly.

Meanwhile when they were sleeping, I began to wonder why and how did I become a pillow again. I mean I am a god and could probably turn into and actual pillow, but how come I'm always being used as a pillow.

As I was contemplating , my status as a pillow I failed to take notice just how much time went by until Artemis and Estella woke up to the cries and demands of dinner, from the former huntresses.

"Percy go feed them" Artemis mumbled

"Well then you'll have to say bye to your pillow" I countered

"no pillow stay" she said, and Estella just seemed content with lying down on me. So I presume she wants the same.

"Well pillow has to go to camp to return a call anyways, and would appreciate it if you came along as well" I said and she just slid out of bed, reluctant to use her own muscles for movement, so I am presuming she was really comfortable in bed, or she's suckering me into carrying her.

I picked her up anyways, and lowered her low enough, so she could get Estella as well.

"Thalia, feed them" I said fairly plainly, before flashing off to camp, to return a call...and get some food.

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