Chapter 17: The Council of The Seas

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Artemis's POV:

It's been a week and the kids are tired as can be, all of them. Yes even our adopted daughter. I don't think they were prepared or ready for the step up in training we are giving them. 

To put it simply they didn't leave the kitchen or training area and started sleeping on the floor because and I quote "I'm too tired mom. How can you and dad do this"

You see yes we gave our kids basic weapons training and powers training before. But now we have been working on strength, endurance, and speed.

Anyways, today Percy and I were summoning our council...the "Council of the Seas" as Percy puts it, which also made the kids happy because it was a day off of the new training regiment.

Now you may be wondering who's on this council. Well that's easy. First is Percy and myself, then our six born children and Estella. Then we added Kym, Clarisse, and Chris. Finally we have 'guest' seats for our adoptive daughters, Tyson, my mother, and Thalia.

You see our adoptive daughters aren't officially on the council but collective they have one vote if they wish to use it. However, Thalia was a bit miffed when we didn't invite her but invited Clarisse and Chris before her. 

Yeah that was Percy's will, though I told him we will eventually give my lieutenant a seat we just didn't tell her when.

Anyways, we are going to start with how we usually start and check up on the children's domains. "Well kids anything going on in your domains" Percy asked them.

All of our children and Estella let out a groan, "too tired" Charles and Lucas said together, before promptly dramatically falling asleep on their thrones.

"Boys" I heard Zoë mumble out beside me, which nearly caused me to chuckle, and I mentally told Percy what she said, and he had the same struggle. 

"well then children if you have nothing of problem to report, just know you can still come to us for help and advice" I said, since they were being reluctant with how tired training has made them. Though I'm beginning to worry that maybe they'll be hyperactive and full of energy after their training is done.

"Cool and all but I don't see why the full council was needed for this" Kym said

"well we always check up with them and you know it sis" Percy sassed a little, and Kym looked at him in shock.

"To think my own brother would sass me...inconceivable" Kym stated dramatically 

"I sass everyone besides Arty" Percy said, and it true, so long as his sassy personality doesn't start coming out. "Anyways the point of this meeting is to discuss preparations incase a certain paranoid drama queen decides to take action against us" Percy explained, only to have everyone in the room begin looking at us.

"It's true" I said, "we need to prepare for a defensive war" I added

"What who would dare go against my little bro" Kym shouted angrily

"Zeusy is most likely right now, though I do not know how much of Olympus would side with him against me, if he were to go on the offensive" Percy stated, to which Kym seemed to just seeth in her throne. "Kym can you please let the drake passage be passable right now" Percy asked

"fine" Kym sighed, only to decrease the intensity of her storm there minimally. I guess I should explain that the mortals haven't been using the passage much anymore, ever since Kym moved there. They also started working on making a deeper and wider canal to cross the Americas just to avoid it, and her.

"alright Tyson, can you start working on making more defenses" Percy asked and Tyson nodded.

"Wait why would zeus want to attack you Percy" my mother asked and I guess Apollo got lost, as mother doesn't know.

" put it simply, Zeus accused Percy of harboring Titans which he admitted to hosting grandma here, but noted that she's one of the peaceful titans and thus thought she is free"

"So are you kicking her out" mom asked

"Nope, she's peaceful and thus from my first wish has or should have freedom, just like the other peaceful Titans" Percy explained, which got mother to let out a sigh of relief.

"So, he's not really happy about that, and angrily dismissed the meeting afterwards" I finished the basic overly simply summary of what happened.

"So what's the plan" Mom asked, and Percy and I looked at her

"We were getting to that" Percy and I stated

"So since we are already hosting you and grandma" I started

"we figured" Percy continued

"That we would extend the invitation to the other peaceful Titans"We finished

Mom collapsed...probably from shock. while our children, minus the boys who were still asleep, started jumping around excitedly because they might get to see their great auntie and uncle.

"Perce are you sure that's a good idea, because adding Leto was bad PR the first time, now Phoebe, and the rest of the peaceful titans. Like yeah they are the peaceful ones, and didn't wage war against us, but the name 'Titan' was already soiled by the Titan lord" Clarisse said

"Clarisse as the goddess of naval warfare you already know that the protection of civilians are high on the priority. The peaceful titans aren't prepared nor equipped to defend themselves if what we believe Zeus is planning comes true" I stated seriously, and she seemed to get the message.

"Ok milady" She responded, "Is there anything the Fleet can do to help"she asked

"Yes, prepare the fleet to house them until proper accommodations can be built" Percy stated, "You're dismissed to do so Clarisse, I'll have Chris fill you in on anything you miss" Percy finished and clarisse left in a flash.

"Chris if you can find any peaceful titans living close to the shore line invite them here" I stated, as my mother woke up.

"Are you accepting all the peaceful titans" Mom asked

"Yes and please don't faint again mom" I said looking at her.

"Alright now daughters, and yes I mean all of you, we will be looking for the remaining original Titanesses" Percy stated and the girls perked up. Raily, little me, and Scarlet grabbed mom and dragged her outside and five minutes later they returned with Phoebe. "Found one of them dad" our three daughters shouted, which got a confused look from Phoebe.

"we are looking for the original titanesses to invite them here to stay if they wish, because Zeus may be planning something against them and the other peaceful titans" I explained seeing my confused grandmother

"ok" she stated like a question, "what about the other peaceful titans" she asked

"Chris is looking near the shores, and we will have Clarisse and Thalia join him to search farther inland once Clarisse is done preparing temporary accommodations" Percy said

"until more permanent ones can be built" I added. I saw a hint of a smile on my grandmother's face, and a look that said, so it really is beginning.

"Well I wish you all good luck on your journeys" Phoebe said, before heading back to mom's palace.

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