Chapter 9: Sally and Paul's Will

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Percy's POV:

So, my wife stopped me from murdering Hera today. Kinda wish she didn't, but she was right about my sister needing me, instead of Hera's head. Also, I think Hestia may have solved the whole Hera is still a bitch problem, as she threatened to get their mother involved.

Now, I've never met my grandmother, Rhea, before, but considering how the big three argued over who's her favorite child, my money's on Hestia, I imagine that she's nice and loving. But given that bringing Rhea into the matter was used as a threat, I'm pretty happy we got off Olympus before her arrival, if it ever occurred.

Anyways, most of the afternoon and night was spent comforting Estella, even though she was asleep for most of that time, which resulted in her barely eating anything for dinner. 

By the time morning arrived we were getting her to talk to us again, even though her word choice was carefully selected and spoken nervously. Which left us with only an hour or so before we had to go to a lawyers office for the will/final testimony of my mother and Paul.

"Estella why are you so nervous to talk to us" Artemis asked gently, as we were trying to get her back to her usual self before we left for the morning.

Estella seemed to think for a while before deciding upon her words and whispering, "because I don't belong here"

Now if you asked me I'm pretty sure Artemis was going over hundreds, if not thousands, of different and all equally extremely painful ways to kill Hera, and I think she regrets stopping me from killing her yesterday. But all of her anger was gone with a singular deep breath, which is impressive by any means. "Estella. Listen to me sweetie. Percy is your brother, yes" Artemis asked, and Estella barely nodded her head. "and I'm his wife correct" Artemis asked, which got another head nod. "Then you are my sister-in-law, correct" Artemis asked.

Estella nodded again, "but why does that matter" she said sounding a bit depressed.

"It matters because you are our family and you belong here just as much as mine and your brother's adopted daughters do" Artemis said and she was nearly crying, though she won't admit that, and don't you dare tell her I said that.

"Then why did that lady say I didn't belong here" Estella asked, and I could tell she took it personally

I being the reasonable person here, knowing I would end up insulting Hera and not helping my sister whatsoever, let Artemis handel the question, "I...I honestly don't know why she said what she said Estella". Estella had her thinking face on, but before she could respond Artemis continued, "You know she has said similar things to me as well, but that's only because I'm a child of her husband and not her and her husband"

"Then why does she say those things" Estella asked

"She's a mentally deranged psychopath that is all I'm mightier than thou, who believes that anything outside of her version of the perfect family is an abomination that deserves torment and pain" I thought. Or well I think I did, but the look Artemis is giving me says otherwise, and that I should start running.

"What does that mean" Estella asked

"It means she is self-centered, thinking the herself is above all others, and if something doesn't fit her definition of family she dislikes it. Which is why she normally directs the comments at me" Artemis said to me with a glare.

"Then why me" Estella asked

"Because you by blood relation are my half-sister, but like my other siblings, Kym and Tyson, I just consider you my sibling, nothing else to it. You are my sister, no matter what at the end of the day. And that doesn't fit the mean lady's view of family, nor do children that aren't of spouses, which are including but not limited to adopted children, children from previous marriages, inherited children, and bastard children, which are children resulting from an affair" I answered and Artemis looked at me like I was mad for telling my little sister this

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