Chapter 29: The Sea Council is Back

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Percy's POV: 

Rhea just advocated the title of titan queen and king, since Kronos obviously wouldn't and is unable to do so, all because of a prophecy. And after explaining why Iapetus knelt before me and asked what is it that I would like him to do. But in a more formally respectful way, which annoyed me because I hate titles of nobility.

"Iapetus, old friend, please don't use titles for me ever again" I stated

"but you're my king" Iapetus responded

"Am I not also your friend" I pondered to him

"Yes, you're still my friend" Iapetus responded

"Good. As for if you're looking for a job, work is available with Clarisse. Just be warned she's tough on new recruits. Or with Chris for local delivery routes" I said and Iapetus turned to see Clarisse cracking her knuckles

"Thank you for the opportunity" Iapetus said, "but I think I will try my hand at the mail service first" he finished which only got a chuckle out of his sons.

"I wouldn't be laughing if I were you punks, you know the terms of your agreement to be here" Clarisse fumed, making Prometheus and Epimetheus hide behind their mother.

"Clarisse calm down, and Prometheus and Epimetheus, remember that you two are of a disarmed status, so it would be unwise to anger my lieutenant. Though if you need something to do I'm sure you can find work in the agora or with Chris" I stated, to which Clarisse just started seething in her throne.

"Is there anything else that anyone present would like to discuss" I asked to which, thankfully, none raised their hand. "Alright everyone is dismissed except the official council, Thalia, our adopted daughters, Tyson, Hestia, Leto, and Rhea" I stated and I think Artemis knew what I was doing because we've been talking about the whole official expansion of the council for a while.

After everyone left it just left those who I have asked for in the center of the room. "Well I'm sure you're wondering why I have asked you to remain back. But First Thalia, Tyson, would you two care to join the council officially" I asked, and both nodded. Tyson's throne rose on my side whereas Thalia's on Artemis's side.

"Now my adopted daughters" Artemis stated, which got their full attention "You all will have an official shared throne should you choose" 

"We accept mom" they said before she could finish only for a throne with mini-thrones on it arrange in a U-shape to appear down on their mother's side.

"Now grandma Rhea, would you like to officially join the council" I asked hoping she would though she just looked at me confused.

"Why invite me I have given up my influence" Rhea asked, and was truly perplexed by our notion

"Although your influence is reduced, your knowledge and life experiences remain. And who better can advise us on royal duties, both now, and after a presumed unified governing body for the pantheon" Artemis stated.

"Even if you refuse a seat on the council I would still seek that you would be an advisor" I stated

"Fine, I'll join the council because I know I will probably be asked again in the future" Grandma Rhea stated like she was annoyed and her throne rose along my side of the room

"Now mother, Auntie Hestia, what did you two learn from being in house arrest" Artemis asked

"not to break the laws and to not go into a kidnapping war because we want our mommy's and auntie's attention" they both stated looking down

"and will you repeat your actions ever again" I asked

"No Lord Percy" They stated looking down

"I suppose that we can offer you your seats on the council as well then today" Artemis stated and the two girls perked up

"really" they asked

"yes now either accept or refuse please so we can start work on drafting a response to the Drama Queen's proclamation" I stated to which both eagerly nodded and jumped on to their thrones when they rose, Hestia's next to Rhea's on my side, and Leto's on Artemis's side. 

We spent the next few hours going over and drafting different responses to Zeus's proclamation, and even talking about issuing our own proclamation and declaring autonomy from Olympus. Eventually this is what we came up with:

A Formal Declaration of Lord Percy and Lady Artemis

Lacking any substantial evidence presented to prove who the gathered Titans are, and taking into careful consideration that the gathered Titans referred to could be the peaceful titans, whom have not raised any sort of trouble against Olympus, and may have very well helped Olympus and the Olympians in the past. With further consideration into the unknown intentions of this rumored gathering, we are left with the conclusion that Olympus intends on violating the rights of free and peaceful immortal beings, for the purpose of being the only immortal beings. 

Thus we and our peoples will be ignoring this proclamation by the tyrant Zeus, and any God, Goddess, Titan, Primordial, Demigod, or Nature Spirit, with peaceful intention and nature or whom is looking to turn towards that way of life, and are or planning to violate this tyrannical order is offered sanctuary and residency in our kingdom, which is, by order of this declaration, also separating itself from Olympus and declaring it's autonomy from Olympus.

Signed Lord Percy and Lady Artemis, King and Queen of the Seas

Jointly Signed in unanimity by the Council of the Seas; Ladies Zoë, Selena, Sally, Artemis Jr., The former huntresses and now Adopted Daughters of Lord Percy and Lady Artemis, Estella, Kymopoleia, Thalia, Clarisse, Leto, Hestia, and Rhea, and Lords, Lucas, Charles, Chris, and Tyson

And well that's pretty much our response to Zeus's proclamation. After the vote and signing was complete. Everyone was dismissed as Chris wouldn't be visiting his father for another couple of days and thus is unable to mail it to Olympus. 

Now why is he unable, well that's simple we decided that it would be best that Chris wouldn't deliver it to the council himself, but rather give it to the council through his father. Yeah sure it might get Hermes in trouble, but he's only doing his job. 

"so are you going to warn your champion or not" Artemis asked

"I suppose I should but only if you go with me" I stated

"I'll go with you. Grandma Rhea would you mind looking after the kids for us" Artemis asked, since we haven't dismissed the council.

"I can but why are you warning your champion" she asked us

"She's the leader of the Roman camp, and is deserving to know and should be prepared to have a response to our declaration" I explained which seemed to satisfy Rhea.

"alright, consul dismissed and children be nice for your great grandmother" Artemis stated dismissing the council and after watching Rhea escort our children to her palace, we left to go warn Reyna 

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