Chapter 22:

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Percy's POV:

Themis decided on staying with her sisters at Leto's Palace, however, in the coming search we sent Lelantos off to find Theia, while we searched for Tethys in the great lakes.

The start of our search was boring, as we took the natural and canal made waterways in the great lakes. The boys and I went through the canal while Artemis took the girls up through the St. Lawrence river and into Lake Ontario. Thing is we beat the girls to Niagara falls, and well mix a former demigod, now god, with ADHD, with the god of waterfalls, rapids, and whitewater rafting, also with possible ADHD, with no 'responsible' person to stop them, and well bad ideas happen when boredom arrives.

Thing is boredom arrived in about 15 minutes of us waiting. "So dad I heard rumors that mortals used to go over the waterfall in barrels" Lucas said, and I instantly knew where he was going with this, and all I could think is 'let's do it'

"Yes" I responded, "though many have died, attempting" I added which seemed to scare Lucas's older brother Charles.

"Let's do it, but with nothing" Lucas said

"How about no" Charles responded

"or hear me out here Charles, we could do it, but in a boat" I said

"No boat ever made was designed to survive this, nevertheless attempt it" Charles said, slightly hyperventilating.

"Then it's settled we will take a barrel" I said, and Lucas cheered, while Charles looked like he wished he went with his mother instead.

Artemis's POV:

Percy and I split up with him taking the boys and myself taking the girls, to search for Tethys in Lake Ontario.

Now before you ask Artemis are you aware that you left two, effectively three, children, and two of those three are prone to doing things on impulse to themselves, while going through the Erie canal to Niagara Falls. Well that answer is yes. But I'm hoping my eldest son Charles can keep his father and younger brother in check until we arrive, and that hoping our greater numbers will prove great enough that we can search the lake quickly and get to the falls in time to stop the boys from doing something stupid.

Thing is even though we covered all of Lake Ontario in about an hour, we found nothing, and now had to go, I guess up, Niagara river to stop the boys from doing something stupid.

Our journey up the river was completely fine. I said was because as you can probably guess we were too late to stop the boys from completing their act of stupidity, which I must say was stupider than I expected of them.

Zoë's POV:

I CAN'T BELIEVE DAD DID NOT INVITE ME TO GO JOIN THEM. Ok, let me backup a few moments. You see Mom took my sisters and I the natural way to the great lakes so we could search Lake Ontario, but dad went through the Erie canal with my brothers, and now that we are joining them, we arrive to see them Barrel riding down the falls.

Like seriously I would totally do that, and enjoy it. Just don't tell my mom about the me wanting to join them.

Mom started freaking out a little while my parents older adoptive siblings seemed to be in the same situation I was in, and that's wanting to join the barrel ride. While my younger siblings and younger of the adopted siblings tried to calm and comfort mom.

But that's not made her mad, what made her mad is that by the time the barrels floated to us, miraculously undamaged at that, they were empty. "I SWEAR I MAY KILL YOUR BROTHER AND FATHER FOR FORCING CHARLES TO GO THROUGH WITH THIS" Mom said, extremely angrily, since Charles basically fears waterfalls.

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