chapter 7:

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Percy's POV:

Good news, The Palace has no damage dealt to it...Bad News somehow the girls have not only managed to bind Thalia, but they also caught Clarisse and Chris as well. "We shouldn't have left them alone for this long" Artemis said

"You don't say" Thalia replied sarcastically, "We've been here for over an hour like this"

"I mean I understand Thalia, but how did they get you two" I asked Clarisse and Chris

"They tricked me" Clarisse said, looking like she wanted to teach them a lesson...with her fist

"They had me set up a prank trap for my father and pushed me into it" Chris responded

Clarisse did her best to turn and look at her husband with her worst glare, before saying, "You idiot, if my hands weren't tied I would slap you upside the head"

Artemis sighed at this before getting an annoyed look, "Girls get down here right now and free our lieutenants...and messenger" she called for them.

A minute passed and Artemis only seemed to grow more irritated, "Now girls not tomorrow" she said, and all the sudden the pattering of feet were echoing throughout the palace

Only the older girls appeared, probably wanting to protect their younger sisters from their adoptive mother's wrath for doing this. "Yes mom" they asked timidly.

"free them" Artemis said pointing at the three bound gods

"But dad's lieutenant is going to beat us" they complained freeing Thalia.

"No she won't, she has work to do with the fleet" I said, "and so does Chris for that matter" which brightened the girls mood since I practically told Clarisse not to harm them and just go back to work to work out her anger.

Once Clarisse and Chris were freed they flashed off to fleet, though with anger radiating from Clarisse I think she may want to destroy something. "girls why did you do that" Artemis asked, clearly annoyed

"We were bored, and had nothing to do" Julia replied

"So you thought it was a good idea to capture and bind our lieutenants and messenger" Artemis stated

"well we didn't think it was a good idea we just thought it was something to do, besides work on our rooms" Rosa said, stepping in for Julia.

Artemis sighed before coming to a thought, "starting tomorrow after breakfast, you are all to finish your rooms, and are only allowed to train for one hour outside of eating" she smirked, to which the girls groaned in annoyance, "and that includes your younger sisters hiding in the other room" she said loud enough for them to hear.

Five seconds later Scarlet and April were climbing on me and begging me not to allow mom's punishment to go through, because they liked training.

"Girls sorry, but I'm not reversing your mother's decision, if you need or want supplies tell Chris and he will get them for you by the end of the day" I said, and I could hear Chris groan from here, "and you all won't trap or trick him again when he's doing this" I added, only this time for the girls to groan.

"Do we really have too" they asked

"Yes you do now off to bed all of you" Artemis said looking at Thalia as well, who just went to set up her tent in the ballroom.

"what are we going to do with them" Artemis exasperated once the girls, minus Estella were all upstairs.

"I don't know" I responded, which got me a glare from Artemis

"do I have to work on my room" Estella asked, "because I don't have a room yet" 

"No you don't have to work on yours, and you can choose your room later, and we will work on it together ok" Artemis said,  and Estella nodded before resting her head back on to Artemis's shoulder.

"we should head to bed" I suggested and Artemis nodded, before leading the three of us to our room, and promptly making me her pillow again before falling asleep herself, myself shortly following her. 

I woke up the next morning to Artemis shaking me, and telling me to go make breakfast. "I'm up" I sleepily mumbled only to roll over to my side and close my eyes again...and then get slapped, which hurt and did wake me up.

"Alright I'm up now" I said, getting out of bed.

"Good now go make some pancakes" Artemis commanded

I wanted to say something like well you're perfectly capable of cooking as well, but thought it wouldn't be wise to piss off my pregnant wife, who's probably hormonal and hungry right now.

I walked over to the kitchen in the palace, and realized it was incomplete, so I went to the hunt's  dining tent conveniently located in the same room, only to see Artemis, Raily, and Estella sitting at the table waiting on me...well Estella was holding onto Artemis still asleep.

"So pancakes for four" I questioned

"I wasn't aware there were only four residents of our palace" Artemis said looking at me in a how could you suggest not feeding our other adopted daughters.

"Fine I'll make enough pancakes for everyone" I said, pulling out all of the pancake mix we had and started preparing enough pancakes to feed an army division.

"Good" Artemis said, as Erica and Charlotte walked in

"Hi Mom, Dad, Raily and Estella" They said in unison scarily reminding me of the Stoll brothers

"Hey girls can you two cook some sausage and bacon while Percy is making pancakes for everyone" Artemis asked giving me a pointed glare, while the twins ran off to one of the two stoves and instantly had Bacon and sausage on cooking, though how they did that so fast is not within my understanding...probably has something to do with being hunters for a century, and being hungry.

As I was cooking the pancakes I was bringing them to the table to be eaten and each time I dropped off more pancakes there was more people at the table eating pancakes bacon and sausage. Of course Erica and Charlotte were done cooking before me and I think we are going to need more meat if we are going to survive without any incidents of fighting over food.

By the time I was done cooking all the pancakes there was only the last four pancakes left and no bacon or sausage. I'll admit I wasn't that disappointed at the lack of meat but what I was disappointed about was the fact that I might not get to eat considering the looks I was receiving. The individual look wasn't as susceptible as my baby seal eyes, but the collective look, well the only competition for that would probably be from Hestia, and even then I'm not sure if she could beat this look. "Fine Artemis you can have the last pancakes" I said, and at that many of the occupants of the tent started yelling at me in outrage because I didn't choose them, and were claiming I was being biased in my choice of who got the last pancakes, before storming out the tent to goto the training room.

"Thanks" Artemis said happily, only taking a long enough break to say that before going back to eating the pancakes. However, my little sister was caught trying to get a bite of the pancakes. "And you little one should ask before stealing off someone's plate" She said

"Well I wanted more pancakes I only had six of them, and everyone else had at least ten" Estella said, and I looked at her in shock.

"How are you not in a food coma right now" I asked

"I was hungry" she said dismissively and then proceeded to crawl into Artemis lap, and promptly went to sleep.

"She ate too much" I stated.

Artemis looked down at Estella who was nestled into her lap, and nodded finishing off the pancakes."We'll let her sleep it off in our room, and in an hour go get the others from the training room so they can start working on their own bedrooms" She said, standing up with Estella in one hand and waving the other to clear the tables and have the dishes wash themselves. 

You know I wonder why Mr. D didn't do that...but then again he probably considered that too much work and decided it would be better to have other do that manually.

Olympus Reborn Book 3: A New King RisesWhere stories live. Discover now