Chapter 12: EPILOGUE P I

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Percy's POV:

After lighting the funeral pyre of my mother, and hearing Estella, it was all coming to a greater head for me, and acceptance was also hitting hard. My Mother dead, and likely not coming back. I mean I have the power and capability to do so, but it's not what she would want, I think. Artemis and I took our seats again, as to watch the pyres burn and morn. Estella shifted herself and turned to bury herself in Artemis hair, where I heard quite sniffles coming from shortly after.

It only took ten minutes for Estella to fall asleep and an additional five minutes for the pyres to finish burning. Many of the campers took off and headed back to camp along with the Romans and gods, which basically left just Paul's family, officer smith and us three.

"Where are they all head off to" Officer smith asked

"back to where they came from" I answered, "most of them are my friends, their siblings, or my wife's family" I answered

"oh ok" officer smith stated as we started leading them back to their cars.

The journey was made in silence this time, though I could sense the want to complain about the walk from the girls on Paul's side of the family...except Estella and Paul's mom. Paul's family was packing in the car with the exception of his mother who looked like she didn't know what to say.

"Yes" I asked at her pending statement or question.

"Thank you, I guess." She stated, "Thanks for saving us a place up front with all the people there, and the burial shroud was so beautiful it was almost a shame to burn it" she continued

"No problem" I replied trying to be diplomatic, before she too got in the car to leave.

"How's Estella" Officer smith asked, after Paul's family left

"she hasn't slept without us yet, and we are starting on working on decorating her room soon" Artemis replied, which got a questioning look from officer smith, "oh shit I said that last part out loud didn't I" She continued noticing the look from officer smith.

"Yeah you did" Officer smith said, "care to explain as I was lead to believing you two didn't have a house"

You know how Artemis dug us in a small hole, well my dumb self decided to make it deeper...a lot deeper, "It's more so a palace than a house" I said, which got me slapped by Artemis, and a laugh from Estella. "It's good to know my pain is still humorous to you lil sis"

"Can you two explain" Officer smith stated

"You dug the hole you answer" Artemis said

"You started it" I replied

"together" she compromised, while officer smith was looking on confused, and I nodded.

"Ok better screw my brother over first" Artemis started, "His name isn't Fred. It's Apollo"

"like the god" questioned officer smith

"Yes" I confirmed, and officer smith looked like we grown extra heads. "you see the myths of Greece and Rome are real, and for some reason the pantheon travels with the flame of the west, thus mount Olympus now resides over the empire state building now"

"How do people not know about this" She questioned

"The Mist. A truly wonderful thing of Hecate's doing. It separates the mythical world from the mortal world" Artemis answered

"But what about things like god and science" She asked

"Please don't get them started on this matter" I pleaded seeing Artemis's angry expression, before she lost it.

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