Chapter 18: Finding Lelantos

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Percy's POV:

So, Phoebe decided to not be of any help and left right after having her questions were answered. One would think she would be happy to reunite with her sisters again, but I guess I could be wrong. I woke up our sons ands told them what we will be doing, and to pack for the trip we are about to take.

So as our kids were packing, and our adoptive daughters most likely just throwing clothes and other supplies into their old tents, and closing them up, Artemis and I were doing the same, I realized that our born kids would have nowhere to sleep unless they bunk up with us or their adopted siblings.

Artemis seemed to have the same train of thought, but she packed up seven extra tents, since Estella said she wanted to come as well. "smart" I commented

"our sons would be sleeping in our tent if I didn't grab the extras, and you know the girls wouldn't be happy if the boys got their own tent and they didn't " She replied. Which was true, as our children always wanted more of our attention and us giving two of them tents would be seen as favoritism by them, it's already bad enough with mini Artemis being Artemis's charioteer.

Anyways we were packed quickly and went to the throne room to wait for the kids. A few minutes of waiting for them later and they were all racing to get to us first.

Zoë beat them all and started laughing at all of her siblings, but unbeknownst to her Estella beat her by a minute as she teleported to us.

"Actually niece I got to Percy and Artemis first" Estella said jumping out from behind us.

Zoë's siblings started laughing while Zoë started proclaiming that Auntie Estella cheated because she teleported and then those two got into an argument about the rules, which the others joined in on.

"Ok that's enough children" Artemis said looking at all of them sternly. 

"Yes mom" They all mumbled not meeting her eyes. Yeah they are going to continue this later

"Good now where should we start" I asked seeing if the children had any ideas, as Artemis and I were thinking start on Orthys, because you know that was there home.

"I think we should start with Thetys since she should be in the domain" Zoë stated

"Only problem there Zoë she hasn't been in the domain for a while. Oceanus told me last time she was down here was actually when Greece fell." I said and they all looked at me confusedly because they know Oceanus is busy reforming. "Before I killed him before Poseidon's war" I stated, which got an ohhh from all of them besides Artemis.

"Which means we start where there home was" Artemis said, but Zoë immediately ran in her 4 year old form to us saying that she doesn't want to go there, as she jumped up to us. Our adoptive daughters guessed why, but our other children and Estella was confused as to why their big sister seems so scared of a place, that they've never been too.

"Uhhh Where are we going" Our children asked

"Mount Othrys" I said quietly, while Artemis and I were rubbing small circles on Zoë's back.

I motioned for the kids to gather around so we could teleport to the base of the mountain, and once we were gathered I teleported us all to the base of the mountain and Zoë went to bury herself in Artemis's hair.

Time Skip, because it was like noon at the base of the mountain when they teleported

As sunset arrived, which the children wanted to know why we had to wait so long, we started our hike up the mountain to low and behold my third least favorite group of siblings came to greet us. Well not really greet as they were pissed from the last time I was here.

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