Chapter 25: A Prophecy, Sort of, Foretold

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AN:This one is a bit short

Rhea's POV: Shortly after Phoebe heard the prophecy (before the first of the second generation of titans were born)

I was bored. Like seriously what is there for me to do after having explored all over mother. Seriously I think mother is the only being to have been to more places on her than me, and I've nearly been everywhere. I concluded that we were on a spherical orb, and to the disbelief of my siblings that Greece, our homeland and birthplace was not the geographical center of the world. It wasn't even in the geographical center of the sea the surrounds it on three sides. 

But that's besides the point. You see ever since my brothers killed father, all of us have been experimenting with our domains, and I was doing so along my travels, and founded out that I can control any earthly element like, wind, fire, water, and well anything that makes up the ground I walk on. And having perfected that during my travels also left me board. 

So what do I do. I started planting a grove of trees at my favorite location in Greece. However, I was interrupted after tree one hundred and thirty three, by my sister Phoebe calling for me and our other sisters. 

When I arrived, my other sisters were already there and waiting for me. You see I might be the youngest of my sisters, and the 7th oldest of my siblings, but for some reason, my sisters always looked to me for leadership, which I don't really mind, I just find it confusing since Kronos declared himself king after killing father. 

"Why have you called for us sister" I asked

"Well you know how father foretold our downfall because of Kronos, saying how his children will eventually do to him as he did to father" Phoebe asked

"yes" we all responded, "he literally never shut up about that for 25 years after" we added

"good" Phoebe exclaimed, "So I was asking my spring here about it, and it told me of an age after the age of the children of Kronos" Phoebe said

"Whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute" I said, "an age after that of brother's children"

"Yes it is said to be the final age, the age of peace and prosperity" Phoebe answered

"Wait aren't you breaking mother's rules about the spring" Tethys asked

"Well yes but I find it necessary to break them to tell you of this, as it is concerning" Phoebe answered, explaining why she wasn't telling a prophecy but a story of some sorts.

"So how does this last age start" we asked

"Well it starts with a child of the second son of Kronos. After killing his father and defeating the first son of kronos in a rebelling the two are leading. He is said to become a powerful, fair, and righteous immortal afterwards, and have many look up to him for inspiration" Phoebe answered

"so like what you all do to me" I asked

"by my guesses yes" Phoebe replied, "However, on with what I was told before the spring said no more info. The grandson of brother is said to unite the peaceful titans, and protect them from wrongful discriminations, which will be brought upon us by brother and his zealots. And that the Titan queen after seeing the extent of the commitment to helping her people, will willingly give up her title, and brother's title, to the child and their spouse to officially mark the beginning of the new era, which will either be born out of war with the defeat of the third and last son of brother, or will start peacefully with said son giving over his title as king willingly" Phoebe answered

This seemed to shock my sister a little bit, and they all started arguing with each other of what was a peaceful titan, as the only 'war' titans have been in was against father and only six of our fourteen selves participated. 

Their arguments went on for hours before I had had enough, "Silence sisters. We must think of this carefully" I scolded, and they stopped arguing. "We know that there will be two more ages after the one brother is ruling over ends" I said, and they nodded, "That our queen will title the rulers of the final age as the King and Queen of the Titans" I said

"So that will be you doing that" they said

I wanted to say eww no, and say how disgusted I was at the thought of it, but deep down I knew they were right somehow, they already looked to me in that regard. "I think it be wise to keep this from our brothers, as they will claim we are plotting against them, which we technically would be except maybe Oceanus, because the whole peaceful titan thing" I finished

My sisters seemed to agree with that and we all swore to keep this information a secret and to tell no one of it.

I don't know what my sisters did after we all left, but I went back to planting my trees, and figured why not give them the power of prophecy.

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