Chapter 27 - Before the end

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a/n I'm SOOO sorry it took forever to post an update I've been crazzzzyyy busy with school and work. Thanks for being so patient!!

Over the next couple weeks Diana was spread thin. On top of the third task and final exams coming up she felt the need to see Theo whenever she could. As much as she didn't want to admit it they were losing time.

They studied in the library together for exams and would often sneak off to lesser visited places in the castle.

Theo didn't notice but Diana was starting to pull away. Emotionally detaching herself while trying to stay in the moment which was difficult. It wasn't that she didn't love him. She did. But she knew what was coming.

"When do you think?" Hermione asked her. She just shook her head.

"Sooner than we think." They were on their way to McGonagall's classroom to help Harry practice. After the professor had found them in several different abandoned classrooms on several occasions she finally decided they could use her classroom as the designated practice area. So far they had down the Impediment Curse as well as the Reductor Curse and the four point spell which was like a compass.

The boys were looking out of the window when Diana and Hermione entered.

"What?" Diana walked next to them and looked down at Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle standing in the shadow of a tree. "Fucking weirdo what is he doing?"

"Looks like Crabbe and Goyle are on lookout while Malfoy is making out with his hand," Ron laughed.

Diana and Hermione rolled their eyes.

"Looks like he's talking to a walkie talkie," Harry shrugged.

Hermione looked like she was about to say something when Diana stopped her, "Yes Hermione we know that's not the case they don't work at Hogwarts. Come on let's practice some shields."

Sirius has been writing almost daily at this point who, like Hermione, was more concerned about getting Harry through the third task than what was going on outside of Hogwarts. Diana on the other hand was constantly having anxiety about it.


"This'll be such a relief when it's over," Diana joked as they headed back to the common room on the eve of the third task.

"Yeah I mean how do you think I feel." Harry groaned. Diana and Hermione shared a look and rolled their eyes. Harry had been extra dramatic recently.

"So Diana how's Nott?" Ron asked as they plopped themselves on the armchairs in the common room.

Diana was taken aback. Usually Ron didn't care about this stuff, "Can you keep a secret?" Hermione and Harry were busy discussing strategies for the maze.

Ron furrowed his brow and looked deeply concerned, "Of course."

Diana told him what she had told Theo.

"Oh come off it, like you'll actually break up if you-know-who does come back." Ron wasn't buying it.

"Did your parents ever tell you about the last war Ron?"

"I mean general stuff but not really I just read about it like everyone else."

Diana sighed, "Well my parents told me what it was really like, for them at least." Ron nodded signifying he was listening. She continued, "These people don't have souls. Harry's parents were only 21. People much younger than them died. Children even. Theo's father is a Death Eater and there is no doubt in my mind that he'll be forced into it. It's best for the both of us to separate when the time comes. They'll use me against him and use him against me if they knew."

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