Dont Say That Part 20

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Maddie woke up around 8:30 to the smell of eggs and sausage. She stretched her arm out beside her for Nick and didn't feel him there. She frowned while getting up and shuffling to the kitchen. Nick was cooking and he was so focused, he didn't realize she was watching him. After a couple minutes, she went behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Oh, hey babe. I didn't hear you come in."

"Here I am." She said smiling. He put the spatula he was using for the eggs down and turned around. He smiled at her messy hair and twisted shirt, before fixing her shirt. She blushed and smiled at him. He smiled back before kissing her gently on her forehead and turning back around to finish the eggs. He fixed their plates and they sat on the couch, turning on Legally Blond as their movie, which Maddie picked. "Nick?"


"Breakfast for dinner is your favorite, isn't it?" She asked, smiling at him. He tried to look innocent but he smirked and nodded slowly. "It was just a guess." Maddie giggled. Nick poked her side and shushed her. She shoved him and he laughed. After the movie finished, Nick carried their plates to the sink, Maddie pulled him back to the couch and she straddled his lap so she could see his face. He cupped her cheeks in his hands and kissed her softly. She smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him again and again.

Around eleven, Lucy came out of her room and went straight to the kitchen without noticing Maddie and Nick on the couch. She grabbed some chips from the cabinet and the dip from the fridge and started walking back to her room. Just as Lucy passed the couch, Maddie and Nick yelled "BOO!" and Lucy screamed, the bag of chips flying out of her hand and her struggling to hold on to the dip.

"Y'all suck!" Lucy yelled back, but she started laughing with them after a few seconds. She picked up a pillow and smacked both of them.

"You love us." Nick said, still laughing. Lucy stuck her tongue out, grabbed the chips and went back to her room. Maddie heard Mikey ask what happen, and Lucy told him. She also heard Mikey laugh and then heard something like a slap and then Mikey said "ow." Nick and Maddie laughed together before picking another movie which Nick chose this time. Nick decided on Forever Strong as their next movie, and Maddie let Nick lay his head in her lap as she played with his hair. Maddie paid more attention to his hair and the features of his face than she did the movie. "Why are you looking at me, Maddie?" Nick asked after a few minutes. Maddie blushed. 

"I'm not." She lied, finally looking up at the movie.

"Lies." Nick said, shifting his position so he was lying on his back, looking at her. He saw her reddened cheeks and smirked.

"I just... You're so handsome... and I don't know how you fell for a girl like me? My last boyfriend... he said he didn't like the way I looked, he only liked my attitude."

"Maddie, babe..." Nick started then he sat up, stood up, and grabbed Maddie's hand. "Come with me." He led her to her small bathroom, positioning her in front of him so they were facing the mirror. "Maddie, look at yourself. Tell me what you see."

"Well..." She started, feeling even more self-conscience now. "I see okay hair, boring eyes, a weird nose, and my lips could be fuller... My neck could be longer... I guess I could lose a few pounds just so my bikini looks better on me... hmm... My hands are kind of ugly because I never do my nails or anything." She looked at Nick through the mirror. He had his head tilted and his eye brows raised. "What?" she asked, almost a whisper.

"You're wrong. About all of it. Because if you had just 'okay' hair, I wouldn't love running my fingers through it and making it a mess. If you had boring eyes I wouldn't catch myself falling into them every I see you. If you had a weird nose I wouldn't poke or kiss it whenever I wanted to. If your lips weren't the way they are now, I wouldn't kiss them with all of the love, passion, desire, and need I have in me. Your neck... I adore kissing and biting your neck, its perfect like it is. If you never gained nor lost a pound, that would be okay with me, I love holding you, touching you... feeling that perfect body right up against mine keeping me warm and letting you know you're safe. Your hands, babe, they're your hands and I love holding them, kissing them, and feeling them on me. Maddie, you are gorgeous. I don't want you to ever forget that. I love you just the way you are, with all my heart, I promise." Nick finished by kissing away a tear she didn't realize was falling. She hugged Nick for a few minutes, just holding him in her arms speechless.

"I love you. Thank you. No one has ever been so honest and sweet to me." She looked up at him and he smiled at her. She kissed him and he smiled against her lips.

"I'll be honest and sweet to you forever baby." He whispered in her ear, kissing her cheek.

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