Dont Say That Part 13

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"Maddie! You ARE riding it, so get back here!" Lucy yelled, grabbing her best friend's arm and pulling her toward the rollercoaster entrance. There was a long line but Maddie knew it would feel short to her.

"NO!" She halfway yelled back, not caring what passer-bys thought. Lucy held on tightly and refused to stop pulling on her, so Maddie complied and followed her to the entrance. Maddie felt two hands on her waist suddenly, jumping at the tingles she felt on her bare skin. "Oh, it's you." Maddie said, smiling and staring back at Nick's beatiful eyes. He smiled and kissed her cheek quickly.

"I got you this." He reached behind his back and brought the surprise in front of him. He held a stuffed bouquet of roses out toward her and she laughed. She slowly took it from him and hugged him, kissing him softly.

"Thank you. It's beautiful." She smiled.

"I'll be yours until the last one dies." He said with a smirk, but his tone was serious. She couldn't help but blush and let out a small giggle. He chuckled and pulled her to his side as they caught up to Lucy and the rest of their group. Mikey and Lucy were talking privately in front of the group while Ryan and Mark were talking about cars. "Hey guys."

"Aww. Look at Nick being a hopeless romantic." Ryan teased. Nick punched his arm which quickly put an end to the baby voice from Ryan. The group laughed as he rubbed his arm. "Man! Now I have a bruise."

Mark coughed. "Wimp." And Mark coughed again. Laughter erupted in the group again and Maddie realized just how much she is going to hate them leaving. But she pushed those thoughts aside as their turn came up to ride and she sat beside Nick. He assured her she would be okay and have fun, she gave a sarcastic smile which he laughed at.

"You're cute when you're nervous." Nick flirted. 

"Shut up." Maddie shot back, but she couldn't help but smile. But as they topped the first big hill, no other sound could come from Maddie except a loud, high pitch scream. At the end of the ride, Maddie declared she would never ride another rollercoaster again. Nick helped her win some other games like the shooting the target game which she won a small panda bear. They also found a photo booth and took so many pictures, they had almost six photo strips each.

"I hope you have Skype..." Nick suddenly said as they walked around the park waiting on the group to get done playing around.

"I do. Why?" She asked, elbowing him.

"I don't think I could survive a week without seeing you laugh or smile or be you. I know I've said I have loved before, but it wasn't this amazing..."

"I know what you mean. I've never felt this desire to want to be with someone... everyday. I don't think I could survive seeing you either. We've become so use to being together... it's going to be so different with just Lucy again." Maddie said, suddenly feeling chilly. Nick noticed and pulled her in closer, rubbing her arm with hand to warm her up.

"Yeah, I know they're a handful, but I dont think even the guys are going to be able to feel the gap. You're just part of me now." Nick chuckled. Maddie stopped walking and stood in front of him, pulling him against her for warmth and because she just simply liked the feeling of his body against her own.

"I'm going to miss you, Nick." She said, her voice full of desire, care and sadness. Tears were threatening to come and as much as she willed them away, they didn't listen. She didn't know she was actually crying until she felt Nick wipe her tears away and kiss her so tenderly but so needy.

"I'm going to miss you too, Maddie. So much. But like I said, call me and I'll come. For any or no reason, I don't care. Okay?" She nodded and he pulled her into a hug. She took in the way he smelt like bodywash, ocean and his Old Spice cologne. She took in the warmness and safety of his hug. She looked up at him and smiled, the tears now gone and he smiled back. He kissed her like it would be their last even though it probablt wouldn't. He kissed her as if she could disappear from his arms in the next second, even though she didn't. And she kissed back with everything in her, every ounce of strength she had.

"GET A ROOM!" Nick and Maddie broke the kiss and laughed at thier friends' grossed out faces.

"Mikey and Lucy... you have no room to talk. Ryan and Mark... shove it." Nick said. Then he turned back to Maddie and pulled her in for one more quick but loving kiss. "Alright, let's go. I wanna go to bed." The group all looked at him with knowing faces, even Maddie. "What?"

"Nothing, baby. Nothing." Maddie patted his arm as they walked out of the park.

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