Dont Say That Part 1

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“Lucy! Wake up! Work time!” Maddie yelled at her friend, slipping on her white sneakers for work. She grabbed her keys, phone and purse and threw a paper towel roll at her friend. Lucy let out a squeal and sat up quickly. She glared at Maddie and crossed her arms.

“Beauty sleep is important, you know?”

“You're beautiful, now get up or you'll be late... again.”

“Okay, okay. How long are you going to work?”

“I get off at eight tonight. Twelve hour shift again.” Maddie sighed.

“Money is money though.” Maddie just nodded and locked the door as she stepped outside. She drove to work and got there two minutes before her shift began.

“Just in time again, Mad. I don't know how you do it.” Red said. He was the huge muscled cook who's mom named him Ronald. He changed his name to Red because he said Ronald wasn't 'macho' enough.

“I'm just that good. She clocked in right at eight and grabbed her blue checkered apron off the hook. She grabbed an order pad and a pen. She saw an elder couple sit at one her tables and walked over with two menus after they were settled and smiled at their joined hands over the table. “Hi, my name is Maddie, I will be your waitress today. Here are your menus. How are y'all today?”

“We are great, thank you.”

“Awesome, may I take your drink orders?” Maddie brought out her order pad and pen and got ready. “One sweet tea and one unsweet tea please.” the man replied, giving her a genuine smile. Maddie returned the smile and a couple minutes later served the couple their drinks. A few minutes later as Maddie served the couple, who's names she had learned was Earl and Janet, their food; a group of noisy guys came through the door and sat at the back booth. Maddie rolled her eyes, of course it was her lucky day that she had been “blessed” with serving that exact booth. She walked over with four menus and handed them out, avoiding their smirks and repulsive winks. “Hi, my name is Maddie, I will be your waitress, may I take your drink orders?” She offered a polite smile and all of the guys just stared at her. She noticed only one guy wasn't completely checking her out and he offered a smile. She smiled back and cleared her throat. “Guys, come on, I have other people to serve. Drinks?” She tried to keep the annoyed tone out of her voice, but it came out anyway.

“Sweet tea. For all of us.” The only decent guy answered, smiling at her again. She couldn't help but really smile back that time.

“Thanks. I'll be right back with your drinks.” She walked away and prepared their drinks, walking back with a tray. She made sure to avoid their moving arms and safely placed their drinks in front of them.

“I cant believe you, dude. You broke it off with Shelly for her? Why? Shelly is way more attractive.” The largest guy said. Large as in he could probably kill you with one punch because of his muscles.

“I don't care. She gives me a headache every day. Megan don't. She's sweet.” The scrawny guy said.

“Awww.” The other three guys responded.

“You're back.” The decent guy said. Maddie gave a slight nod. “Ready for our food orders?” She nodded. Apparently, the guys had other things to talk about. She took the time from the talking to really look at him. He had dark brown hair that hung right at the top of his eyebrows. He had deep brown eyes and smooth lips, his hands looked like he had worked hard in his past. His tight, short-sleeve shirt showed off his biceps and abs. She bit back a smile and cleared her throat.

“Guys. If you are not going to eat, I will go rest my feet.” Maddie said.

“Hey, hey... don't get an attitude miss. We'll order.” The other big one said. After a couple minutes, Maddie had their orders and she gave it to Red to prepare.

“Mad, let me know if those guys get too rough. I'll take care of them.”

“Thanks Red, but I can handle them.” Maddie checked on the elderly couple who said they were doing fine. A few minutes later, Red rang the ready bell. Maddie grabbed the tray and carried the guys' orders to their booth. She placed each plate in front of the right guy and smiled at her job well done. It was crushed a moment later though.

“Uh, hello? I asked for a bottle of ketchup.”

“I need mustard.”

“I changed my mind, can I have a straw?”

All three guys spoke at once and Maddie frowned. She handed the scrawny guy a straw, grabbed a ketchup and mustard bottle from the back and gave it to the two big guys.

“Are y'all good now?” She asked, hiding her irritation.

“Yep.” They all said in unison. The decent guy sent her an apologetic look and rolled his eyes at his friends who were scarfing down food. Maddie just smiled and shook her head, sending back the message that she is use to it.

“I'm Nick, by the way. He stuck out his hand and she shook it. “The scrawny guy is Ryan, the two big ones are Mark and Mikey.” He pointed to the guys.

“Nice to meet you. Enjoy your meal. I'll come back in a few to check on you but if you need anything else, just wave at me.”

“Okay... thanks.” He smirked. She walked away smiling. She knew his name now, not that she would do anything to hit on him, especially not during her job. She didn't have the guts, plus she figured he could get any girl he wanted, and she was probably boring compared to some. She watched as the elder couple left and they left her a ten dollar tip. She thanked them and the woman hugged her, which meant more than the money. She pocketed the tip and cleaned off the table, taking the dirty dishes to the back. The whole time unaware of Nick's eyes watching every move. He saw something in her that he wanted, but he figured all she saw was a bad boy who had troublesome friends.

After an hour of checking on the guys and serving others, she watched them watch out. Nick walked out last, looking back at her one last time. To his surprise, she was looking back, already smiling. He waved and walked out with his buddies.

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