Dont Say That Part 10

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"Need a drink?" Maddie pulled out a bottle of water for herself.

"I'll take a water too." Nick said, smiling. Maddie took out a second water and tossed it to him, he caught it easily. They sat close together on the couch while Maddie searched for a good movie. They ended up watching the Shiloh series. "its feels so right with you... I dont know how I'm going to stand being away." Nick suddenly whispered in her ear, his breathe hot on her neck.

"Me either... I'll miss you being around... We've barely left each other since we met..." She let out a small laugh. He smirked.

"I dont plan on that changing either... I'm going to stay right beside you untiil the minute i absolutely have to leave." He said, his voice slightly sad.

"Good, I like that." Maddie replied. She moved so she was sitting sideways across his lap, and he wrapped his arms around her waist. "I can't believe we're doing this... but, I love that we are..."

"Irony..." They laughed a little. "Maddie, just remember, I'm only a phone call away... I will drive down her if you want me to beat someone up or if something happens and you just need my arms wrapped around you or even if we're just getting sick of being away and you want me to hold you. Even if its just a few hours... You are worth every penny I spend on gas and way, way more. So, just always tell me if you need me or want me to come back if only for a little while, okay baby?" Nick explained. He looked so cute with the wrinkle in his forehead.

"Okay." She giggled, kissing his cheek.

"Maddie, you're mine now... I know I've only known a couple days, but these were some of the best days of my life... and I know with you, it;'ll only get better." Maddie's heart beat faster, she placed her palm on his cheek and ran her thumb over his lips before leaning and kissing him softly but deeply."

"You're right. It will only get better." She said, smiling against his lips before kissing him again. He kissed back as if he was leaving that next minute. He held her close, touched her face, and ran his hand through her hair. He slid his down her body, as if memorizing her every curve. She almost sighed out loud from his touch. She straddled his lap, gaining better access to his lips, while pressing her hands to his chest. "Nick?"

"I'm not.... ready... But I want you to know that I do feel that way about you."

"Yeah... I want you too. But I agree... we're not ready." He said, smiling. He kissed her neck in different spots until he found her sweet spot, the crease where her neck and shoulder meet. She sighed softly, allowed him better access, leaning her head back to the side. He gripped her waist and moaned against her neck. She pulled away smiling and kissed him on the lips, then the cheek, the other cheek, the forehead, and the nose and back to his lips, deeper that time.

"Let's go to sleep. I'm tired." She said. Nick just nodded. She grabbed his hand and pulled him to her bedroom, pulled back the covers and they climbed in. He pulled her to him by her waist and held her closely. He had his arm behind her head, making the perfect pillow and she wrapped her arm around his stomach. "Goodnight Nick."

 "Goodnight, my Maddie." Nick's voice was husky from being tired. Sooner than she thought, she was drifting asleep in the arms of the man who she was slowly opening up to and falling for.


Maddie heard a door closing and keys jingling. She stretched her arm out, feeling for Nick, but he wasnt there. She frowned, and sat up. "You're still beatiful even with morning hair." Maddie smiled again at Nick's voice. "I bought you some breakfast." She smelled it as soon as he said it.

"You're the best!" He walked over to her and handed her the bag with their McDonalds buscuits in it. She picked the sausage and he took the bacon, egg, and cheese. They ate in a comfortable silence, and after they ate, Nick threw away their trash. He got back in bed with her, turning her over so she was facing him. He kept her close, loving the way she smelt like vanilla and apples and the beach.

"Maddie, I like you."

"Nick, I like you too." She said, smiling. She knew that one day she wanted 'like' to be 'love' but she knew they werent that crazy yet. She would patiently wait for that day, because Nick was worth it. She felt so at peace with him. "Hey, umm... I was planning on getting a tattoo today, so do you want to go with me?" She asked.

"A tattoo? Of what?" Nick asked, fascinated.

"A line of stars with a letter of my name in each one..." she trailed off, blushing.

"Sounds like you... awesome babe. Of course I will go with you. Like i said, I'm not leaving your side." He smirked. She smiled brightly before jumping up.

"Let me get ready then... we can stop by your hotel room so you can change too..."

"Getting it done this early?"

"Yes... that way you have more time to take care of me." She flirted, kissing him softly, then winking before picking out an outfit. After she changed into her jean short-shorts and her favorite green tank top, they went to his room. They started sneaking in when they realized no one was there. "Odd..." Maddie said.

"Lucky us." Nick said at the same time. They laughed before Nick grabbed some khaki shorts, and a green, muscle shirt from his bag. He changed in the bathroom quickly and met her at the door.



"We match..." Nick looked at her shirt then his and back at hers and then smirked at her.

"We are SO perfect." Nick said. Maddie giggled, grabbed his hand and they left towards the tattoo parlor.

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