Dont Say That Part 11

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They arrived at Mike's Tattoo Parlor nearly ten minutes later, they had walked to enjoy the sunny day. Mike, the owner of the parlor, took one look at Maddie and smiled knowingly.

"A butterfly or a heart?" He asked, jokingly. Maddie stuck her tongue out at him. She knew him well from the diner and they were, in a weird way, buddies.

"You know what we talked about... I havent changed my mind."  Maddie said, smiling at Mike.

"Alright... I tried. Come on back. Your guy can come to, You are not crying to me when youre in pain."

"Gee thanks, Mike. You're so sensitive to a girl's feelings." Maddie joked. They all three laughed and walked back to the first tattoo station.

"Alright, I hope you remembered the sports bra, take your shirt off. " Nick's eyes went large at that and Maddie laughed. She took her shirt off and showed off her black, sports bra.

"Yeah.. like I said Maddie, I'm not leaving your side ever." Maddie didnt know if he was saying that as a way to say he was turned on or to say that he is warning Mike to keep his hands where Nick was almost okay with on Maddie.

"Nick... you're crazy. Now, hold my hand." Nick took her hand and held it softly but he squeezed gently every now and then to reassure her. Getting the tattoo wasn't that painful actually. Maddie only winced and sighed from the pain maybe five times.

"Wow, your tattoo... looks amazing." Nick said. Maddie grinned, and asked if she could see it yet.

"Real quick. I gotta put a bandage on it. Keep it on for a few hours. Keep it moisturized."

"Sure thing." Maddie stole a glance in the mirror and smiled. It was exactly like she imagined.

"The next tattoo will be my name on your..." Nick started to say.

"Dont finish that sentence..." Maddie interrupted.

"Wrist." Nick finished.

"Whoo... Thought you were going somewhere else with that..." Maddie laughed.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, Maddie." NIck shook his head in fake disappointment.

"You first." She teased back. He smirked at her and then looked at the tattoo artist.

"How much?"

"One fifty." He replied.  Nick took out his wallet and handed over the exact change and then led Maddie out. They went back to the hotel and waited for their friends to get back. "I'm kind of worried."


"I dont want to leave... I've never felt like this... I'm always excited to go home."

"Golly, I'm not that addictive am I?"

"You are. You just shine... you stand out to me... you have something no other girl has for me, but i haven't figured out exactly what yet." He chuckled.

"Well, you are pretty addictive yourself. You're different. I really like you."

"I really like you too, Maddie." He put his hand on her knee and she leaned her head on his shoulder, scooting closer to him. He rested his cheek on her head while they watched Step Up: The Streets. Half way through the movie, Nick noticed that Maddie was asleep. He took a minute to admire her beautiful face, then got up to pick her up and take her to the bed. She stirred and slurred a 'thank you" but fell right back into a peaceful sleep. He chuckled and laid beside her quietly, facing her. He tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled at her. His heart was doing crazy things with just touching her skin, a feeling he had never experienced before. It was insane how much this girl meant to him in just a couple days, how he didnt want to leave her side, how he could already picture her in his future... like, everyday of his life. He shifted himself closer to her, lightly wrapping his arm around her waist. He fell asleep admiring her beautiful, peaceful face with a smile playing on his own.

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