Dont Say That Part 5

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After ten minutes of random questions like their favorite food to their favorite place they would want to visit, Nick dropped a bombshell question.

"Are you... a virgin?" He asked hesistantly.

"No. I gave everything I had to my exboyfriend and he left shortly after... It was a lesson for sure. Um, what about you?" She asked. She was blushing but she was always honest when someone asked her that. What's the point in lying?

"No... same for me actually. It works both ways. Sometimes girl are just into you for the sex. Sorry that happened to you too." He said. He took her hand in his, squeezing it supportively. She offered him a small smile.

"Thanks. Sorry it happened to you too too." She said. They laughed lightly. They didn't let go and just sat there. Their knees were touching tingles kept shooting up her leg.

"So where did you grow up?"

"Same state, but one town over. You?"

"Los Angeles. Crazy I tell you." They laughed again. A few minutes passed. "So... do you want to hang out again sometimes besides today?"

"Yeah... I do." She answered, smiling. She was happy he asked. They heard "ewwww" from the next room and went to inspect it out. They didn't pay attention to their still joined hands.

"What are y'all complaining about?" Nick asked. Ryan and Mark was still staring at Lucy and Mikey like they had seen a horror film come to life in front of them.

"They... they... kissed and sucked face...and kissed." Ryan said slowly and dramatically.

"Lucy?! You kissed him?" Maddie asked. She could barely contain her annoyance. They had just met these guys. That girl moved way too fast.

"He's sweet. Don't judge me. Y'all are holding hands you know?" Lucy eyed Nick and Maddie's hands. They looked down and disconnected their hands, both of them blushing. "We probably weren't the only ones..."

"Dont even finish that sentence! We were not kissing! I swear it. Look, the rain stopped. How convenient. We need to go. "

"Tomorrow is Sunday... We would be right back on the beach anyway... let's stay here." Maddie glared at her friend, but saw her point.

"Fine. But only tonight, Lucy. We don't even have PJs or tooth brushes." Maddie complained, mostly to herself. To her surprise, Nick was listening to her and pulled her away.

"Want to go to the store? We can pick up something for you to brush your teeth with and whatever else you need. Dont worry about PJs, I got plenty of big shirts you can sleep in." Nick winked.

"You just wanna see me in your shirt."

"Dang right I do. Let's go." He grabbed his wallet and phone and her hand and they excused themselves to the store.

"Oh! The blue one. I like it."

"It's a toothbrush, not a life decision. It's for one night."

"Want me happy or grumpy all night?"


"Then, shhh!" She put her pointy finger to her mouth and then smiled teasingly at him. He rolled his eyes but couldn't resist smiling back. He picked up a pair of purple sunglasses and slipped them on.

"I look hot, right?"

"In the gay way, yes." Maddie answered, laughing as he poked her side before laying the sunglasses back down. "Okay, I have everything. Thanks by the way."

"No problem." He said back smiling. As they walked back, he put his arm around her shoulders and kept it there until they entered the room. Everyone gave them a knowing look, but they ignored it and went to the room they had been in. Nick picked a shirt and some soft shorts from his suitcase and faked a pass. Maddie giggled and held out her hands. He threw them one at a time and she caught them easily. "My kind of girl." He mumbled to himself.

"What was that?" She asked.

"Nothing." He said a little too quickly. She just smirked and went to the bathroom to change. A few minutes later, she came out and sat beside him on the foot of the pull out bed. "You look good in my clothes." He commented.

"Oh, thanks..." She blushed, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Can I play with your hair? I've always loved doing that." He asked. She nodded and smiled. He moved to straddle her from behind and ran his fingers thru his hair continuously. She loved every single second of it. She closed her eyes and focused how his skin felt against hers  the way he had soft but firm hands moving in the perfect way to play with her hair.

"Hey y'all two, we're all going to bed, no lights in here, alright?" Mark yelled. "Lucy and Mikey are already out." He added.

"Alright. Night." NIck replied.

"Night Mark." Maddie said.

"Night y'all." Mark called back.

"Wanna go to bed too? Got a fun day planned tomorrow." Nick offered. He moved his hands from her hair, down her neck, and down her arms. He grabbed her wrists and wrapped their arms around her waist. She could feel his breathe on her neck and shuddered. "Come on, get under the covers. You're cold." She smirked, he thought her shudder was from the temperature in the room, not from his closeness. She just nodded and they stood and got into bed. She turned on her side to face him, and he faced her. "You're beautiful, Maddie."

"Thanks. You too." She blushed as she realized she just called him beautfiul. "I mean... handsome." He chuckled.

"I knew what ya meant. Thank you." She smiled in response. He turned to cut off the light and she flipped over. "Is this okay? I just really like being close to you." He wrapped one arm around her waist and spooned her. She just nodded and placed her hand over top of his. She smiled and fell asleep easily. He watched her sleep for a few minutes before drifting off himself. He knew he didn't deserve her, but he would enjoy his short time with her while it lasted.

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