Dont Say That Part 16

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Thirty minutes later, Nick heard his phone ringing, but it was Skype. He smiled and answered quickly after running a hand through his hair in attempt to fix it. When her face popped on the screen though, he forgot everything he was about to tell her. "HI." She said, her voice tired but she smiled sweetly at him.

"Hey." He replied, smirking at her cuteness. She had a messy bun in, no make up and a big t-shirt on. "You look goregous, baby." He said. Maddie rollled her eyes, giggling.

"You too." She replied quietly. "I miss you." Her voice was sad.

"I miss you more. Trust me, it won't be too long before I am back."

"Oh really?" She teased.

"Yes. I can't leave my girl for too long. You might find someone to replace me." He teased back. She stuck out her tongue at him playfully.

"There is no one else out there that has made me as happy as you have. You're amazing."

"You are too." He smiled at her. After thirty more minutes, Maddie fell asleep in the middle of her sentence and Nick admired her face before cutting the video call off. He fell asleep a few minutes later with a small smile on his lips.


The next morning, Nick woke to a phone call and answered it expecting Maddie or one of the guys.

"Hey sleepy head. Did you forget you had to work this morning?" It was his boss, Seth. Nick looked at the clock and buried in his face in his pillow out of frustration. He had forgotten to set his alarm and now he's late for the first time. He told Seth he would be there quickly and hung up. He got up, deciding he didn't have time for a shower, threw on a shirt, jeans and his old boots. He ran a hand through his hair before grabbing his phone, wallet, and keys and heading to work.

"Finally. Next time call if you want to be late, okay?" Seth teased him.

"I didn't mean to be late... I was talking to my girl last night on Skype and fell asleep without my alarm on. Sorry, man. Won't happen again." Nick apologized.

"Don't worry yourself. These other guys are always late. Plus you're like a son to me. You get special treatment." He whispered the last part and smirked at Nick. Nick smiled and nodded and began working. It was true, Seth had taken care of Nick when he needed it most, and Seth was Mark's dad, which is why Mark and Nick are friends. Nick worked until dark to make up lost time and went home with a sore back and a headache. He jumped in the shower and took his time washing the pain and dirt away from his body. When he got out, he went to his bedroom and turned on the television. A few minutes later, his phone rang and he smiled at the caller ID.

"Hey, beautiful." Nick answered.

"Hey. You okay? You sound exhausted." Maddie answered, her voice filled with concern.

"Yeah. I had a long day at work. I was late this morning so I worked until dark. I could really use a dose of you right now."

"I could use one of you too. My boss actually let me off early tonight. He has to go out of town for a family emergency so the restaurant is closed for three days. Our regulars are going to be so lost." She laughed lightly. Nick joined her and smiled at how she could make him feel better by just talking to him.

"Well, with some time off you can relax... go to the beach..."

"Or I can do my secondary job."

"What is your secondary job?" Nick asked, very curiously.

"Walking dogs." Maddie laughed. I only do it when I am off and during the week. Not many people around here even need a dog walker. So it's more like a hobby because I love animals."

"I bet you hate snakes though." Nick teased.

"Maybe..." Maddie said, her voice evident she was smiling. "Go to bed. I'll call you tomorrow. Goodnight."

"Yes, ma'am. Goodnight lovely." They hung up and Nick obeyed her orders and went straight to bed.

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