Dont Say That Part 12

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"WAKE UP!!!" Ryan, Mark, Mikey and Lucy yelled. Nick rolled over and put his pillow over his head, but Lucy shot up with a gasp. Everyone erupted with laughter at her reaction and she blushed. Nick sat up, still smirking and kissed her cheek.

"Good morning beautfiul."

"Yeah... good morning beautfiul." Lucy teased, walking to Maddie's side of the bed and messing Maddie's hair up further. It was sticking up in random places, and Maddie once again blushed before pulling it into a low ponytail. "Much better." Lucy commented. Maddie stuck her tongue out at her friend.

"Good morning Nick." She finally looked at him smiling brightly at his sleepy face and messy hair, which somehow made him look even better. Not fair. He smiled at her before getting out of bed to go see his friends. "So... hows Mikey?" Maddie asked, looking back toward Lucy. Lucy instantly smiled at her.

"Great!" Lucy threw her hands up, excited. She gripped Maddie's arm gently, "Maddie, he is the sweetest guy I have ever met. He even wants to continue in a long distance relationship... we have talked about it several times and we know it will be hard sometimes, but I think our connection is so strong that we can make it through it."

"I am happy for you, Lucy. I hope everything works out." Maddie smiled, happy to see her friend so excited.

"What about you? What are y'all going to do?"

"Nick and I? Well... We really like each other, and our connection is strong also. I've never met a guy like him. He just makes me feel so beautfiul and much more confident in myself. I think... Well, I want to try a long distance relationship... but we havent really made it... official I guess you could say." Maddie finished. She wished she had a title for Nick, but she didnt. He wasn't her boyfriend officially, and he was way more than just a friend... she didn't want to call it friends with benefits because that sounded too dirty. She was suddenly slightly depressed. Though, when she sneaked a look at him over Lucy's shoulder as Lucy talked about what the guys and her had been up to, Nick was already looking at her smiling. She blushed at being caught looking at him but smiled back before turning her attention back on Lucy.

"... was so much fun! We would have tooken y'all except we all thought you two could use some quality time."

"Well thank y'all for your consideration." Maddie replied, smirking. "I'm glad you had fun Lucy. It's back to work tomorrow, you know?"

"Shut up. Don't rain on the parade just yet. We still have the whole day in front of us! Speaking of, we are going to the amusement park about an hour away. So get up and get ready, wear your suit." Lucy commanded, sweetly. Maddie laughed as she got out of bed and went into the bathroom to change into her suit, and shorts, not worrying about a shirt. She fixed her hair into a messy bun and washed her face before coming back out. Nick was sitting on their bed and looked up when she stepped out.

"How?" He asked.

"What are you talking about?" Maddie asked, truly confused.

"How are you always so gorgeous when I know you don't even try?" He smiled, got up and took a few steps until he stood right in front of her. He cupped her cheeks in his palms and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you." She smiled at his affection. "I have a ... probably awkward... question."

"Ask away." Nick said, smirking.

"What... are we?" She motioned between them. His face lit up.

"We are whatever we want to be." He teased. She punched his arm playfully, pretending to be mad at him. He smiled at her cute face and the wrinkle in her forehead. "Well, I know I already call you mine and alot of other things... but I wanted to ask you something."

"Ask away." She repeated him, teasingly. She tried to look relaxed but her heart was beating faster than normal.  He bit back a smile at her trying to remain calm, but to be honest, his heart was fluttering too.

"Will you be my girlfriend? Here and now and in the future anywhere?"

"Yes." She answered simply, because her voice was failing her from trying to breathe. Nick smiled so bright that Maddie laughed. He wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her up just high enough she couldn't reach the floor.

"I am officially the happiest, luckiest boyfriend in the world." He said, looking into her eyes. She smiled, looking back into his.

"I am the happiest, luckiest girlfriend." She replied. She kissed him softly and smiled against his lips. For once, she was totally content with every part of her life.

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