Dont Say That Part 19

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Maddie was handing Nick and Mikey their refilled drinks when she heard the diner door softly open again. She heard a squeal and knew it was Lucy. "Mikey... you better get out of that booth." Maddie advised him. He smiled and nodded, already standing up and not even a second later, Lucy was hugging him. He laughed at her enthusiasm but Maddie could tell he was very excited to see her too. Lucy let go and kissed Mikey and he smiled while kissing her on the forehead.

"I missed you too babe." Mikey said.

"Missed you more." Lucy flirted. Maddie looked at Nick to see his reaction, but he was looking at her. Something in his eyes made her stomach burst with butterlies and her heart beat out of control. He smiled at her and pointed to the clock. Her shift had been over but she had continued to serve them since they came in on her time, and that's what her boss expected. She went to the back room which was through the kitchen and her boss was at his desk. His desk was filled with papers and she saw he had bags under his eyes.

"I bet you're tired." Maddie said. He jumped at her voice, but smiled at her.

"You too. You can clock out, Maddie. Thank you. You're an amazing and essential part of this diner. We wouldn't be able to satisfy as many customers without you and your flying shoes." He laughed. She let out a small laugh at his joke.

"Thank you, boss. I'll see you Tuesday, right?"

"Yes. Your shift will start at 8 a.m. Okay? We know how the morning usuals love you. Have  a good weekend. Behave." Maddie nodded and smiled.

"I'll try. Bye boss." She walked out of his office and hung up her apron in the kitchen, putting away her order note pad and pen in the right drawer. She fixed her hair and refreshed her face in the bathroom. She joined Nick, Mikey, and Lucy at the booth just as Nick finished his fries. Nick and Mikey left the money for their food on the table for the next waitress who had the next shift to collect.  Nick grabbed Maddie's hand on the way out and kissed it, making her blush and smile at him. He smiled back and held the door open for her and their friends. They got into Nick's truck, this time Maddie taking the passenger seat and Mikey and Lucy in the back. It only took a few minutes to get their apartment and the girls went ahead while the guys got their stuff. When the guys walked in, nothing had changed. Maddie's room was neat and tidy, all of her stuff in neat piles and the kitchen was clean. Lucy's room wasn't exactly dirty, but there were clothes on the floor near the closet from trying to decide what to wear, and couple pair of her shoes were still in the lliving room. Maddie gave a Lucy a smiled then led Nick to her room, shutting the door behind them.

"Are you and Lucy okay?" Nick asked. Maddie let out a frustrated groan.

"We are. It's just she went off on me when I told her about you... I guess out of jealousy because Mikey hadn't told her he had a surprise for her until this morning."

"I'm sorry babe. Did y'all work it out?" Nick asked. Pulling her to him so her stomach was against his. He loved her natural warmth. 

"Yeah. But we are girls baby. It takes a little bit of cooling off before we are back to normal. I promise... we'll be over it by tonight." 

"Just making sure my baby girl is okay." Nick said. He kissed her forehead and cupped her cheeks. He kissed her nose then brushed his lips across hers. She smiled and looked into his eyes. 

"I missed you so much." Maddie's voice was so soft, he almost missed it. 

"I missed you too, Maddie." His heart was jumping out of his chest and all he wanted was her. He wanted to be with her and tell her what he had been feeling the past few weeks. "Maddie... I don't know if you'll feel the same, I might be rushing this... but I have to say it. I didn't want to say it over calls or Skype because it's just too special..."

"What is it, Nick?" Maddie spoke softly, a caring smile on her face. Nick closed his eyes and took a breathe. When he opened his eyes, he looked straight at her.

"Maddie, I'm falling in love with you. Shoot, I am in love with you." Nick said smiling. Maddie's face was shocked as she just heard the words that she had been waiting for. The guy standing in front of her was her dream guy and he was actually in love with her. She smiled so wide her cheeks started to quickly hurt. She kissed him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He kissed back, wrapping one arm around her waist and the other hand letting down her hair. It fell and flowed reaching down to her shoulders. She pulled away slowly and looked in his eyes, smiling.

"I'm in love with you too, Nick." She said, her voice breathless from kissing him. He smiled and his eyes seemed to brighten. "Come lay with me for a bit. I'm tired."

"OK." Nick said automatically. He didn't want anything in the world more than her. She went to her dresser and pulled out a t-shirt that said "Sweet, but mostly Sassy." Nick smirked, thinking to himself how true that was, but how he wouldn't change it either. She grabbed some sweatpants and quickly changed in the bathroom, brushing her hair that Nick had let down. She come out of the bathroom, and Nick had took his shirt off, revealing a white tank top underneath, which made his tan stand out even more. She had to remind herself to walk and join him on the bed.

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