Dont Say That Part 7

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She woke up an hour later with a sleeping Nick's arm around her and making her warm. She smiled as she realized she felt better, her headache drastically less painful and the room wasn't spinning. “Nick?”

She said. He woke up really fast and checked on her. “Are you okay? Need something?” He said. She laughed.

“No, I'm fine, I feel much better. You're a great doctor.” She smiled.

“Nah, just helping out a damsel in distress.” He flirted, and received a giggle.

“Sure... Are you suppose to be a knight in shining armor?” She teased back.

“Yeps. But only yours, sweetheart.” He said. Her breath caught in her throat, she let out a small chuckle and then tried sitting up. She felt a little light headed at first but it faded away. “You alright?” Nick checked on her again, sitting up and rubbing her back. She nodded.

“Do we have any food? I need carbs.” Maddie asked. Nick laughed and nodded. He got up and went to the small kitchen set up in the room. He reached in the bottom cabinet and searched for a second before coming out with double stuffed oreos. He grabbed two cups and the small milk carton in the fridge. He poured them both milk and then carried it over to her. She carefully took the cup and quickly grabbed the oreo Nick held out to her. They enjoyed their snack in silence and once Maddie was satisfied from the oreos, she drank her milk. When she pulled the cup from her mouth, Nick started to laugh so hard he had to sit his milk down. “what is so funny?” She asked.

“You, uh... You have a milk mustache. Here.” He took the bottom of his shirt and wiped her mouth clean. She laughed, slightly embarrassed.

“Oops.” She mumbled, blushing.

“Don't worry, sweetheart, it was cute. You don't have to be embarrassed around me.” He said. He stroked her cheek with his thumb and made sure she believed him. She smiled. He leaned in and she waited for his lips to touch hers, but it never happened. Suddenly she heard him whisper in her ear. “You look really kissable right now.” He said, his voice slightly husky.

She looked him in the eyes, sent him a shy smile and said, “because I am.” But she didn't give him a chance to kiss her because she got up and threw away her now empty cup. When she looked at him again, his head was buried in his hand. “You okay there, Nick?”

“I dont know... I don't want to start something we can't finish.” He said, watching her as she sat in front of him.

“Why couldn't we finish?” She asked.

“I don't live here, Maddie... I can't stay here. I have a job, friends, family back home... I wish I could.”

“Yeah, I wish too. Don't get me wrong... I agree. I don't want to start something... but in a way... I do.”

“It'll be a fling.”

“That's exactly what Mikey and Lucy are.”

“I don't want to hurt you when I leave.”

“You won't.” She couldn't believe that she was trying to actually convince him to have a fling with her but she wanted him, and she now knew he wanted her. He moved closer and pulled her onto his lap. He brushed the stray hair from her face that escaped her messy bun. He smiled at her sweetly.

“Maddie, I'm not making any promises...”

“Good, I won't either. Nick, we have a connection. Tell me that you're not attracted to me.”

“I can't say I'm not, because I totally am.” He admitted.

“I'm attracted to you too. Let's leave it at attraction, and we can deal with being just friends from afar.”

“Okay. You won.” He agreed, happily. He leaned in and this time she did too. Their lips touched and they kissed. After a few seconds, Nick softly pulled away. He could barely think. “Wow.”

“Yeah. Wow.” Maddie said, breathlessly.

“Again.” Nick begged, but he didn't have to, she was with him on that idea. He kissed her and held the back of her neck gently. He deepened the kiss and he felt her smile at that. They didn't pull away for a minute, then rested their foreheads together. “You're amazing, Maddie.”

“You are too, Nick.” She giggled. “So, I'm going to call Lucy to tell her I'm okay.” She said, getting up.

“Okay. Hey, tell them to come up.”


“Please, it's important."

"Okay..." She trailed off. She called Lucy, it rang four times before she picked up.

"Hey lovely, are you feeling better? Did Nick take care of you?"

"Yes he did, and I am feeling much better. Y'all come on up, Nick's request."

"Be up there, as soon as possible." She said and hung up. Maddie smiled at her friend's lack of goodbye.

"They're coming. What are you going to do that involves all of us?"

"You'll see." He smirked. He walked to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She smiled up at him and wrapped her arms around his neck loosely. They heard the door open and they slowly broke apart, but not before sharing a smile. "Hey guys." He greeted.

"HI" They all said in unison. "So what do you need us for?"

"For this." He grabbed Maddie's hands gently and looked into her eyes. "Will you, Maddie, go on a date with me?" She smiled the largest smile he had seen.

"Yes, Nick." She giggled.

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