Dont Say That Part 6

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"Wake up... wake up... wake up." Nick opened his eyes to a smiling Maddie who was poking his cheek. He smiled lazily and wrapped himself around her, trying to go back to sleep. "The others left already... we slept in." Nick just moaned and kept his face buried in her neck. "You're lazy! Nick, it's eleven. I thought we had a fun day?" She teased. She ran her fingers down his back and through his hair. He moved his face so he could talk.

"This IS fun." He commented, his breath tickling her skin. She just giggled and poked his side. That made him grunt and he complained, "hey, bad girl. Stop poking me."

"Oh, you haven't seen my bad girl side..." She mumbled, but he heard her and chuckled. He repositioned himself so he could see her.

"Oh really?" He asked, his tone teasing.

"Yeah, really." She answered, giggling.

"And when can I see this side of you?"

"You'll see it soon, probably... maybe. Now get up."

"Hope so. And no... whyyyyyyyyy?"

"If you dont, I can't." He wiggled his eyebrows at that and stayed laying down with his arm around her and his leg over hers. She glared at him then pouted. 

"Fine... but one day we will stay in bed all day."

"But that day is not today." Maddie teased. Nick ruffled her already tangled hair. She laughed and grabbed her bikini and kept his t-shirt to cover up in. Once she had changed, she stepped out of the bathroom and grabbed a ponytail holder from her bag. She put her hair up, using her hands as a comb and Nick watched her carefully. Everything she did was so perfect in his eyes, when she looked at him and smiled, he smirked. He was starting to really like this girl, knowing nothing was possible between them, but he would show her the best of her life while he was here.

"Let's go!" He said. He grabbed her hand and pulled her to the elevator. He pressed the floor button and then stood beside her, his arm brushing hers. He looked at her and she looked back after a few seconds.

"Yes?" She said. He didn't say anything, just admired her for a minute before smiling. He stepped in front of her, facing her and pressed her against the wall with his hand on her stomach. She gave him a shy smile but didn't look away from his eyes.

"I just... I want to make sure you're having fun... with me and the guys."

"You mean with you?" He smirked but didn't deny it. "Yes. I'm having fun." She said honestly.

"Good." He stepped away just as the elevator doors opened and he grabbed her hand, pulling her beside him again. They didn't take their hands away as they walked to the beach or even when they saw the group.

"Finally! I thought y'all had faked being asleep and were just going to ditch us for the day." Mikey spoke up first.

"Good morning to you, too." Nick greeted, smiling at his friend. Mikey rolled his eyes and turned back to Lucy who was holding his hand and smiling at him.

"Hey Lucy, remember me? Best friend?" Maddie spoke up, laughing. Lucy laughed with her and sent her a fake glare.

"Hey besty." She greeted. Maddie rolled her eyes, but she had to be honest, she had never seen Lucy this happy before. Nick squuezed Maddie's hand lightly and jerked his head toward the ocean. Maddie squeezed back then let go to get his shirt off. He also slipped his shirt off and they took off toward the water, the rest of the group joining a minute later. They wrestled and played chicken and competed with how far they could swim out without getting scared. Mikey and Nick tied, even though Mark tried and claimed he saw a shark. They went to lunch at a small fast food restaurant and Nick slid into the booth across from Maddie since Lucy and Mikey sat beside her. He wrapped his legs around hers under the table and she bit back a smile. She gave him a glare but he just smirked and continued talking to the group. Once they ate, they went back to the beach but stayed out of the water after Mark was still trying to convince them he saw a shark, you know, just in case. They had a competition on who could build the best sandcastle, sand figure, and who could remain buried in sand the longest. Nick won the buried competiton but Lucy and Mikey won the others. Maddie suddenly felt really bad and Nick took her back to the hotel room. She had a bad headache and felt dizzy. "I think you just didn't hydrate enough today, it was really hot. Do you want to watch a movie? I'll get you some Aspirin and  a fan."

"Nick, thank you. Um, one more favor?"

"Sure, anything sweetheart." He said. He tried to keep a straight face but he shocked himself at the nickname. He saw Maddie's shocked face before she composed herself and tried to not smile. He breathed with relief that she accepted it, maybe even liked it.

"Um, some water?" She asked.

"Okay, one minute." He went to the mini-fridge and grabbed a bottle of water and gave it to her gently. "You okay?" She tried to  nod but winced as her headache throbbed. "I'll take that as a not really." He went into the bathroom and grabbed the bottle of aspirin and got two pills out. He took them back to her and she took one at a time, trying not to move a lot. "I'll turn on the tv and give you the remote. I'll run to the store and get a small fan... and tell me if you need anything else..."

"Nick, I dont need a fan. Can you... lay with me?" He smiled at her question and nodded. He helped her lay down slowly and then laid beside her. He draped his arm over her waist and she rested her head on his chest. "Thank you. You're really sweet, Nick."

"You too, Maddie. I'm here anytime." She tried to giggle but it came out as a couple grunts instead. He smiled at her even though her eyes are closed. He kissed the top of her head and tried to fall asleep but couldnt. After a few minutes, she was deep in sleep and she wrapped her arm around him tighter. "I like you, Maddie." He admitted. He told himself how stupid he was because she couldn't hear him. Little did he know, Maddie was dreaming about him.

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