Dont Say That Part 17

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Three weeks went by slowly as Nick and Maddie called, texted, and Skyped every day. One day Nick called her, finally getting too tired of missing her.
"I miss you baby." Nick said as soon as Maddie pick up the phone. He heard her smile on the other end of the phone.
"I miss you too. I wish we could see each other."
"What are you thinking?" Maddie asked, suspiciously.
"Can I come see you?"
"Seriously?" Nick could hear her surprise and excitement. He chuckled.
"Yes. I can't go any longer without holding you. So, are you going to have time for me if I come visit, babe?"
"I'm sure I can squeeze you in." Maddie teased. "When are you coming? Tomorrow is Friday. I have to work from 10 a.m. to 4. Then I'm off for the weekend and I'm off Monday because its the owner's birthday."
"Perfect. I'll pack tonight and leave after you get to work."
"Perfect. You'll be here by the time my shift is almost over."
"Yeah. I'll hurry so we can eat together there... Where we met." He smiled at the memory of her serving them the first day he and his friends went to the diner. She heard her smile and let out a small giggle.
"Luckiest day of my life." She said, almost in a whisper.
"Same. I found the most beautiful girl in the world and now she's mine." Nick told her, honesty thick in his voice.
"Always." Maddie replied softly.
"Alright beautiful. I'm going to start packing. I'm so excited to see you, hold you,.. Kiss you." Maddie smiled and bit her lip, glad that he wasn't there yet to see her blush.
"Me either baby. Get some sleep for your drive. Goodnight."
"Okay babe. Goodnight." Nick smiled. He plugged up his phone, set his alarm for 8:30 a.m and grabbed his duffel bag from under his bed. He packed his jeans, sweatpants, her favorite shirt of his and other shirts, his cowboy boots, and tennis shoes. He also grabbed his class ring from high school and a old chain that use to have a eagle on it, but the eagle got lost. He slipped his ring onto the chain and put it in the zipper pocket of his bag. He finished packing what he could besides stuff he needed the next morning. He heard his phone ding and went to check it. It was Mikey. "Dude... I'mtaggingalong. IgottaseemyLucy, man. Isthatcool?" Nick replied knowing he couldn't say no to his best friend. "Yeah, ofcourseMikey. Leavingmyplaceat 10, beherebeforethensowecanmakeitbefore 4."  Nick changed into his pajamas and climbed in bed. His phone went off again and read it. Mikey replied his famous short answer, "Cool." Nick smiled and fell asleep slowly, almost too excited to sleep.
Maddie felt like she was literally running circles around the diner and glanced at the clock every two minutes, making the day seem so much slower. Finally at three in the afternoon, the lunch rush calmed down and there were only four booths and one table that were taken. She made sure everyone had what they needed then went in the small break room by the orders of her boss. Her legs were on fire and she wiped the sweat from her forehead with a clean cloth on the counter. After a much needed ten minute break, Maddie went back out and looked around for customers who needed refills or checks or other needs. She was handing a middle-aged couple their check when she heard the door open and hid her huff of disappointment. She hoped she wouldn't have any more customers before getting off. She turned around to see who walked in, and stopped in her tracks, unable to keep her heartbeat under control. The whole diner seemed to fade into the background as she looked at him. He looked into her eyes and smiled and she found herself running to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and smiling so wide her cheeks hurt. He hugged her back just as eagerly and whispered in her ear, "I missed you so much, beautiful." Nick's voice was like an angels and his arms around her felt more amazing than anything she had experienced.
She slowly pulled away enough to see his face and he was still smiling, seemingly unable to stop. That made her smile more and lean up until their lips were less than an inch apart. He grabbed the back of her neck softly and pushed his lips against hers like her kiss was his gravity. When they pulled apart, Maddie blushed, noticing everyone in the diner was intrigued by them. Nick smirked at her modesty and kissed her forehead. "Why don't you seat us before you get in trouble." It was only when Nick said 'us" that Maddie realized Mikey standing behind Nick smirking at the two of them.

"Hey Maddie. Missed you." Mikey hugged her like a big brother would, a side hug but caring enough to say "I'll hurt anyone who hurts you."

"Hey Mikey. Missed you too, big man." Maddie laughed at her own nickname for him. "Lucy is going to go crazy. Did you tell her you were coming?"

"I told her I had a surprise for her. I'm sure she has figured it out. Why don't you text her, tell her to meet you here after she gets off."

"Will do. Y'all pick a seat. I'll be right back." She kissed Nick on the cheek which he smiled at and then she went to the break room to text Lucy.

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