Dont Say That Part 8

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Maddie and Lucy finally made the Nick drive them back to their place for more clothes and necessities. Maddie's date was that night, so she grabbed her favorite green, strappless dress and a half-sleeve jean jacket, and her dark brown cowboy boots. She curled her hair enough to give it some volume and and put on mascara and light brown eyeshadow. She knew she didn't need to be too dressed up for Nick because he had already seen her at her worst, but she couldn't help herself. This was their first date, and she wanted it to be amazing. She grabbed her purse and phone just as their doorbell rang, "COMING!" Maddie yelled. Lucy looked up from her book and checked out Maddie, sending her a low whistle.

"You look... HOT!" Lucy giggled, wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

"Thanks." Maddie laughed. She opened the door and was greeted with a smiling Nick. Maddie almost gasped out loud at how handsome he was. He wore tight Kakis, a thin, white button up shirt open to show a tight brown shirt showing off all of his muscles. He matched it with a messy but sexy hairstyle and brown boots. "What she said." Nick commented, pointing to Lucy.

"You heard that?" Lucy asked, increduously. Nick chuckled and nodded. He checked out Maddie for a minute, from head to toe, and back up again, twice.

"Wow, Mad, you look gorgeous." Nick complimented. Maddie tried not to blush, but this guy just got to her.

"Thank you. You look very handsome, yourself." Nick bowed his head, Maddie could've sworn she saw his cheeks turn pink.

"Thank you." He looked in her eyes and smiled. "Let's go. I got somewhere I want to show you."

"Okay!" Maddie said, even more excited now. Her stomach was twisting with knots, and she felt the butterflies fluttering too. He kept looking at her and smiling on the drive to where they were going, and Maddie blushed more each time. He drove down a shaded, rocky road with woods all around and Maddie suddenly felt nervous, in a good way. "SO. This was your plan? Charm me, ask me on a date, and then drag me out to no where to kill me? Nice." Maddie joked. Nick laughed, his eyes lighting up.

"Maddie, I could never hurt you... you're too special to me."

"Good to know." Maddie answere quietly, trying to hide her big smile. Finally after five minutes, she saw a river and a waterfall, and she got really excited. "Oh my G! WOW! How did you know about this place?" Maddie asked.

"Mark's dad showed us one time when we were down here. I come here if I need to get away or think, or both," Nick said. Maddie smiled and squeezed his hand. He parked and they got out to walk to the edge. "Be careful, I dont want to have to jump in after you."

"Meanie." Maddie teased back. Nick smirked. "This view is so gorgeous." She said, almost breathlessly.

"Yes, the view is." He commented. "And I'm NOT talking about the river." He was staring at her with a small smile. Maddie blushed and kissed his cheek. "Want some food?" Nick asked, his stomach growling. They laughed and Maddie nodded. He went the car and got out the picnic basket and a blanket. They laid it out together on a old tree stump, and started unpacking the basket. She saw two grilled cheese sandwiches, a bag of Lays chips, some french onion dip, and two sodas. He also pulled out four, warm brownies.

"You... mister are trying to make me fat." He laughed at her fake anger. "I forgive you, it looks great. Let' s eat!" Nick admired her as she smiled at him while reaching for a sandwich. He grabbed her hand and kissed it gently before letting go and grabbing his own sandwich.

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