Dont Say That Part 2

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“I'm back!” Maddie yelled.

“Hurry up! Our show is on!” Lucy yelled, referring to Pretty Little Liars. They always watched it together. Maddie dropped everything on the small kitchen table, took off her shoes and joined Lucy on the couch.

“What did I miss?”

“They were in school, and they all got called to the office by the police for interrogation.”

“For ruining Ally's memorial?”

“Yep. Now shut up. It's back on. I hate commercials.” Maddie just chuckled at her hyper friend and they watched it silently. Once it was over, Lucy was sad. “I wish it was a movie and I knew the end when it went off. This whole wait-a-week-to-know-what-comes-next-bull is getting on my nerves.”

“It makes the next episode better because you've been waiting so long.” Maddie advised.

“Shut up smarty pants. How was work? My work sucked. I answered calls all day and ran fifty coffee trips, well three but it felt like fifty.” Maddie rolled her eyes at her dramatic story.

“It was tiring. A lot of people are here on vacation so it was really busy.”

“Any annoying customers?” Maddie's thoughts went straight to the guys which made her laugh.

“Yeah. I met these four guys. Nick, Mikey, Mark, and Ryan. They were all hyper except for Nick. He was calmer and actually polite. They left me a fifteen dollar tip. Awesome, right?”

“Yeah! Did you get any numbers? Date offers?” Lucy wiggled her eyebrows.

“No, Lucy, neither. I just kept to my job. I didn't hit on a cute guy.”

“Oh, so you thought he was cute?” Lucy teased.

“Nick? I mean... yeah. But, I have no chance.” Lucy smirked.

“I didn't say a name, Maddie. You have a crush.” Lucy sang the last part. Maddie rolled her eyes and threw a pillow at her friend.

“Shut up. I'll probably never see them again. Anyway, Are we going to the beach tomorrow?” Maddie asked, excited.

“Duh. Oh! I got to wash my bikini. Wanna wash yours with mine?” She offered.

“Yeah. Get my navy blue one with the white hearts on it. That's my favorite. I'll fix some popcorn and pick out a movie.”

“Okay. BRB.” They went their separate ways. A few minutes later, they met back at the couch and started the movie. They were watching The Notebook and the sound of the washer faded as they fell asleep on the couch.

Around three in the morning, Maddie woke up and realized they had both dozed off. “Lucy. Go to bed.” Maddie nudged her with her foot and Lucy groaned but half-sleep walked to her room. Maddie went to the washer and put the wet clothes in the dryer. She went to her room and collapsed on her futon bed. She slipped under her comforter and immediately fell asleep again.


really small part, sorry but i like it anyway ;p

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