Dont Say That Part 4

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“Gross... mint chocolate chip? Really, Maddie?” Nick teased.

“Taste it. I bet you like it.” Nick gave her a doubtful look but licked some of her cone. She couldn't believe she let him do that but she smiled as his eyes widened and he went in for another lick. She moved it toward him, making some get on his nose.

“Now you have to lick it off.”

“No way. Not happening.”

“Fine. I don't want your tongue on my nose anyway.” Nick fake pouted. He wiped the ice cream off with a spare napkin on the table. Maddie just giggled.

“Sure.” She replied after a few seconds. He looked at her and smirked. “Guys! Come on! It's going to rain.”

“Crap! Lucy! We have to run home!”

“In the rain?” Lucy mumbled a few inappropriate comments under her breath before they quickly threw their ice cream cones away.

“Wait, y'all walked to the beach?” Nick asked in disbelief.

“Yes. We live a mile away and so we always walk. Why?” Lucy answered him.

“You girls are not walking back. I'll give you a ride or you can come to our room until the storm blows by.”

“Your choice, Maddie. I'm fine either way.”

“Can you, um... we'll just stay will y'all I guess. I don't want y'all to waste gas.” Maddie said. Nick smiled, suddenly looking excited. Maddie hid her smile at his slight change in attitude.

“Great. Let's go. We have a room in the hotel right next door.” They walked together, Nick's arm brushing hers occasionally. By the time they walked in the hotel, Maddie had major goosebumps from his skin touching hers. As he walked beside her, talking to Ryan. She discreetly checked him out like she had been wanting to. He had a six pack, and a muscular back. She smiled to herself and looked away when he caught her staring. He smirked to himself and tried to resist looking back at her. He failed. He looked at her again and noticed her beautiful green eyes and full lips. Her body was perfect for bikini season, filling it out nicely, and making it even better with a tight stomach. He almost groaned out loud but bit it back quickly. He ushered her in before him and as she walked past, her hand brushed his. Tingles flew up his arm and he tried to shake it off, but again failed.

“Drink anyone?” Mark offered. He pulled a Dr. Pepper out of the mini-fridge. Lucy went over and looked in.

“Hand me a Pepsi, please?” She asked. Mark did, smiling seductively at her. She ignored it and focused back on Mikey. Nick and Maddie went in the other room since the others insisted on watching the football game and Lucy wouldn't leave Mikey's side.

“So tell me about you? Why are you staying in a hotel?” Maddie said, trying to start conversation.

“Well, Mark's dad is rich. He pays for any trips we want to take, anytime. So, the guys said they wanted to go to a small beach. Here we are.”

“How long are you here?”

“Until we decide to leave. Why? You don't me to?” Nick asked, teasing her. Though he really did wish she didn't want him to.

“I-I was j-just asking.” Maddie studdered, knowing he knew she was lying. He didn't point it out though. “Who are you though?”

“I'm just Nick. I like playing guitar and eating everything I lay my hands on. I work on a farm back home. I don't look like your typical cowboy, I know. I'm not. I just like hard work and that's what it is. I haven't had a girlfriend since a year ago and I have three best friends that would walk through hell for me.” Nick finished. He looked at Maddie and saw her smiling at him.

“Very nice.” She complimented. Nick's cheeks turned slightly pink, which made Maddie think he was cuter.

“What about you?” Nick asked, clearing his throat.

“Hold that thought? I'll be right back.” She grabbed her bag from in front of the door and grabbed her cover clothes out. She went back to the room with Nick and got dressed quickly. “Sorry, it was getting weird being in only a bikini.” She laughed nervously and sat back down sideways on the love seat and curling her legs up to her chest. “I'm Maddie. I grew up with only my dad, I guess that's why I'm so independent. I met Lucy in tenth grade and we became best friends and she moved in with me after she turned eighteen and graduated. I'm 19 and I have only had one boyfriend which was two years ago that we broke up. And... I work at the diner to pay for rent and food.”

“Wow, very exciting.” Nick faked yawning. Maddie smacked his arm. He chuckled, “I'm kidding, ouch. You're great.” He said.

“Thank you.” She replied, slightly blushing. Nick smiled, and admired her as she smiled back. “So, you should play guitar for me.”

“I didn't bring it with me... Who knows what would have happened to it if I had with these guys.” He laughed. She giggled.

“Understood.” She said. It was quiet, but not awkward for a while.

“So, what's your favorite color?” Nick asked, randomly.

“What? Are we playing twenty questions now?” Maddie asked, only half-teasing.

“Sure. Why not? We have plenty time.” Nick shrugged.

“Blue. Like the ocean. What's yours?”

“Green.” He said. Before meeting Maddie, he would've said black, but her eyes were just too beautiful.

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