Chapter One

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AN: The Punisher Suite - Tyler Bates


Alexandria's P.O.V

I was on top of the neighboring building across the street, setting up the trap. Or, wasn't really a trap, just something to lure him to me.

I went through my usual set up. Rifle sight, perch, and then...wait.

Waiting for the call.

Waiting for our first introduction.

Waiting for my possible death.

Oh well, I had some time to kill before he arrived. Pulling out the folder from my bag, I began looking over all of the documents. The man who killed my parents all those years ago was still at large, and I've narrowed it down to only a couple of notible individuals.

Most, I've already killed. I began dragging my knife threw the names...ugh, this was looking more hopeless with every name I scratch out.

Who knows...maybe Mr.Castle could help me with it all.

That is, if I survive.

My phone began to buzz, catching my attention. I slipped the folder in my duffle bag, swapping it out for my phone.

It was from Micro.

'He got the message. Get out of there.'

My fingers eagerly tapped on the keys.

'Why? He's on his way, I've been waiting for this for weeks!'

'Alex, don't be stupid! He's not gonna let you leave if he catches you, JUST COME BACK!'

'No can do, Micro.'

I removed the battery from the phone, throwing the two pieces into the bag after I was finished with it.

Who are you, Frank Castle?

Are you a cold-blooded killer? My new partner? The bringer of my demise? I wouldn't know until I was actually face to face with you.

Well...all I had to do was wait. Good thing I didn't wait for long. The spector of death and darkness was right on schedule. His thunderous steps were so different from mine, loud...strong.

A clear indication of his intentions.

My uniform was nearly as dark as his outfit was. It wouldn't be easy for him to spot me, but the white spots along my chest piece might give him a clue.

Those thunderous footsteps suddenly hushed...he was around the corner. I slipped passed my perch, silently falling into a crouch. My hood slipped over my ashy blonde locks, now hiding my identity in shroud.

Standing up, I begin following his trail. Silent. Unnoticed.

A game of cat and mouse...something I had played on my more dangerous hunts.

But, I was always the cat...I didn't think I would become the mouse so quickly.

A hand grappled around my face, while a second came in around my waist. The Punisher had me in his grasp.

He slammed me up against the wall, our eyes locking in a steely gaze.

Brown. His eyes were a deep, fiery ember. It completely caught me off guard...although, the beard and long hair he had looked ridiculous.

"You workin' with Micro?"

Grabbing his wrist, I easily bent it and released his grasp. Since my back was to the wall, and he was so close, I was able to easily jump up and land a kick in his waist.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I don't want to fight you, Castle-"

He tore his pistol from his belt, a bullet firing and hitting the brick right by my shoulder.

"I want answers." He snarled...a voice, so guttural. So threatening, and unfriendly.

The feeling was mutual, pal.

"Well, you're not gonna get any from me! I'm just an incentive, deadly, if not deadlier than you are. I could kill you if I really wanted to."

"Is that so?"

"I would...but I'm just the messenger. It's ultimately up to you if you want to believe it."

"I'll pass." He rushed me again, a fatal mistake. With a nearly unnatural swiftness, I pulled out my knife from its backslit. The metal slashed him across the arm, making The Punisher recoil slightly.

He had a very blunt, military fighting style. I could tell this by how forward and how much power he put in his attacks.

It wouldn't mix well with my loose, but deadly martial arts.

Let's see what would result from this.

His blood dripped in a hypnotic beat, but it didn't slow him down in the slightest. Castle reached for his gun again...this fight was going nowhere. I got my message across, so, maybe I should be using my time more wisely.

As he aimed his gun again, my foot swung around and kicked it out of his hands. It slid across the damp and grey floor underneath least it caught his attention.

My hands grasped his shoulders, fingers now dug into his clothing. Pulling as hard as I could, I bring him forward, knee colliding into his waist.

"HURK!" He gasped for air.

I dropped him, letting him crumple to his knees.

"I told you. It would be so easy...especially when you're like this," Grabbing my duffle bag, I began calmly walking away. My back was turned...he was the least of my concerns now. "Micro's giving you a time limit. He needs you within the week, or else..."

"O-Or else what?" Frank hissed.

"The whole world will know that The Punisher is still alive."

And so, I leave him there. My job was done...besides, I had my list to continue. I'm so close.

Frank will come, sooner or later.

I know he will.

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