Finding them

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Reader's POV:

It was sunset in La'manburg or Manburg as it was now called, almost everyone was asleep, except for me. I was standing on my balcony facing Manburg, praying that my brothers were ok. It's been a few days since Schlatt became president, since then the wall have been torn down and the flag was burned. As I sat there, looking at the horizon, the memory of that day played in my mind, the day my nephew, Fundy, burned down the flag. I couldn't do anything but sit there and watch as he burned down the flag of the nation built to protect him. I felt something warm running down my face, I reached up to brush it away and realized I had been crying. 

I clenched my fist as I realized I couldn't just sit here and hope that my brothers were ok, I had to go find them.


As I crossed the borders of Manburg I noticed someone leaning on a tree out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey." They said.

"Who are you?" I asked, resting a hand on the handle of my sword.

He cocked his head

"Surprised you don't recognize me." He said.

That's when his appearance clicked, the white smiley mask, the green hoodie.

"So you're the infamous Dream, what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"It's none of your business."

"Neither is mine."

I can feel his smirk through his mask.

"Well, this is where we part, make sure you can find your way home." 

And in a blink of an eye, he was gone. 

I sighed as I made my way in the direction that I saw my brothers ran a few days prior. After a few minutes I came across broken branches that littered the ground. I knew that there was no way an animal could do this, the path of branches was too wide. It looked like it was made by two people. I stood up from the ground, and followed the trail of twigs.

-few hours later-

It was pitch black now, the only thing that was guiding me was the silver shine from the moon. The twigs became few and far between, eventually I lost the trail. I cursed and ran my fingers through my hair, looking for any signs of a settlement. That's when I saw it; a trail of faded footprints, most people wouldn't notice this, but after years of hunting in the dark, I was not one of those people. These footprints were not just any footprints, they were Tommy's.

I smiled to my self, crouched down and followed the prints. After what seemed like hours I came face to face with a mountain, the trail stopping completely. I sighed and sat on the ground, deciding I would rest here for the night. I didn't have any blocks on me and I was too tired to collect any, so the only things I had to protect myself from the howling winds were my wings. I leaned against the mountain side, closing my eyes. Soon I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up in the morning I could feel the warm rays of the sun hitting my wings. When I opened my eyes I saw two pares of feet in front of me.

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