Taking back L'manburg

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Today was the day. The day we would take back L'manburg. I thought nothing could go wrong.

Oh wrong I was.

We were currently at Techno's secret base, under a lake.

"Now this." Techno said, hopping down a hole and landing in water at the bottom.

We all followed him.

"Now this is the vault." He said, showing us this massive room made of black stone, along the walls were chests, each chest filled with armor, weapons, food, arrows, you name it.

"Holy shit." I heard Wilbur say.

"So this is where you've been disappearing too for the past month." I said, grabbing a sword.

"I thought you were asleep." Techno said.

"Techno, I'm normally like and don't sleep." I shot back.

"You need more sleep."

"So do you." 

"Touché." He said.

"Now lets go take back L'manburg."

(A little A/N here, so I suck at fight scenes so were just gonna skip to when Dream and them surrender. Ok? Ok, back to the story.)

-an hour later-

It was nearing sunrise when the opposing side finally surrendered. 

"We would like to surrender, and I have something to show you." Dream said, raising his hands in surrender.

He then walked to the run down van from L'manburg's earlier days and walked in with us following. Inside was a drunk Schlatt sitting on the floor, bear bottle in hand.

"Schlatt?" I asked.

He looked up at us.

"What is this? Some sort of surprise party?" He asked, his words slurring a little.

"No, we're here to kill you Schlatt." Wilbur said.

Schlatt somehow managed to stand up, swaying a little.

"You know if I die, this country's going down with me." He said.

I saw Tommy holding a crossbow, pointing it strait at Schlatt's chest. Wilbur was standing next to him, a hand on Tommy's shoulder.

"Do it Tommy." He said.

"Does anyone else smell toast?" Schlatt asked.

Suddenly, Schlatt's face twisted into a pained expression as he gripped his chest, right were is heart is. Then he dropped to the floor. Everyone froze.

"Did he just have a heart attack!?" I heard Tubbo ask.

I slowly approached the man on the floor.

"No, don't get close to him, he could still be alive." Wilbur said.

"That's what I'm checking dumbass." I said, kneeling down next to Schlatt.

I put two fingers on his neck, right below his jaw, to check for a heartbeat.

I found none.

"He's dead." I announced, standing up.

Immediately the van was filled with cheers.

And this is were I end the chapter, sorry it's a little shorter this time.

Until next time my fallen demons.

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