The Hearing

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Chapter Twenty-Five

The Hearing

A/N: This is slightly shorter than normal, for which I apologize. Please read the end notes for more information. Thank you.

Disclaimer: I only own Aurora and any other OC's. Remember, I will occasionally use quotes from both the books or movie, depending on the scene; I do not own direct quotes or phrases.

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Turning, the woman wasn't surprised to see the infamous three calling for her. Having just stepped off the bridge, Harry, Ron and Hermione caught up to her position. Smiling at her students, she ruffled harry's hair as she glanced at all of them.

"I see you two," she pointed to Ron and Hermione. "Stayed for the holidays."

"Yeah, we didn't want to leave Harry behind," the young witch offered, stealing a peak at her friend.

This had Aurora smiling even more, pulling her coat tighter against her frame. "Well that's very sweet of you! So what brings you out here into the cold?"

"We wanted to see Hagrid," Ron answered. "He's seemed down lately so we wanted to stop by."

"Then come with me! I was just headed there myself." Stepping pas the unknown stone formation, the four o them carefully maneuvered through the snow down the steep mountain path.

"So what made you want to see Hagrid too, Aurora?" Harry asked.

"I agree with what Ron said and was thinking the same. Hagrid seems to be sad and I thought he'd like a cup of tea and some company."

They fell silent, all wondering and hoping their giant friend was doing alright. Trekking through his snow covered garden, Aurora knocked on the door. No sound came from inside the home. Peeking back at the students, Aurora knock again, tapping her knuckles against the thick, heavy wood.

"Hagrid! You've got some visitors who'd like to see you! Are you there?"

Nothing. Even after a few minutes, there were no sounds. Knocking once more, Aurora was about to turn to the others when the sound of Fang barking lulled her attention back to the door. Heavy footsteps entered their ears as the door suddenly opened revealing their friend on the other side.

"Hello," the giant muttered, keeping the door open as he walked back inside.

Allowing the students to enter first, Aurora closed the door behind her. As the three claim their usual seats around the living room, Aurora stood next to Hagrid.

"Hey," she said softly. "We've missed you. Is everything alright?"

Hagrid shook his head. "Did Albus send ya 'ere?"

"No? Why would he? What's going on?"

Lifting his hand, Aurora first noticed the seal from the Ministry on the parchment. Taking it into her own hands, she glanced at the others, curious to know what it was. Quickly reading through the contents, Aurora's mouth fell open, only for a hand to cover her lips.

"Aurora? What does it say?" Hermione asked, voice full of concern as she glanced at her professor. Knowing Hagrid would want them to understand the situation, she thus read the entire letter:

"Dear Mr. Hagrid,

Further to our inquiry into the attack by a hippogriff on a student in your class, we have accepted the assurances of Professor Dumbledore that you bear no responsibility for the regrettable incident."

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