And Another New Year Begins

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A/N: Someone, please be honest: has my writing gotten sloppier?

Disclaimer: I only own Aurora and any other OC's. Remember, I will occasionally use quotes from both the books or movie, depending on the scene; I do not own direct quotes or phrases.

~ oOo ~



"Dinner's ready!"

Coming up from the basement, Severus made his way into the kitchen, washing his hands at the sink. Although Severus wasn't that much into Quidditch, he did agree to listen to the World Cup on the radio over dinner. And Aurora, who had just finished cooking, placed their filled plates on the kitchen table where she claimed her seat. Severus was the one to grab their radio from the cupboard as he claimed his seat as well; turning the knob to the correct channel, they waited a few seconds while static ignited their ears before any form of speech could be heard.

"So, who do you think will win? The Bulgarians or the Irish?"

"Mmmm..." Aurora took a bite of her dinner, moaning at how delicious it was once again. Covering her mouth, she said, "I bet the Irish. You?"

"Interesting; I'm thinking Bulgaria."

"Well, I guess we'll soon find out who wins."

Severus raised an eyebrow, fork held right before his mouth. "Want to turn this into a bet?"

This caused Aurora to smirk. "You and your bets I swear. Fine! Let's make a bet. What do you get if I lose?"

Swallowing, the man went in for another bite as his attention turned towards the radio. "If I win..." He grinned devilishly. "We have sex whenever and wherever I say."

"...seriously? I'll already do that anyways!"

"I'm talking about when we get back to school, Aurora."

"Shit...ugh, fine, I agree. However! If I win, you have to..."Aurora cupped her chin, trying real hard to think of what she wanted. She was quiet for several moments until the idea popped in her head and she snapped her fingers. "...ah! You'll have to wear a ribbon in your hair for a whole week."

"Done," Severus answered easily.

"And I'm talking about when we're at school."

The wizard dropped his fork unceremoniously. "Not done! There is no way I'm going to do that. I'm the Master of the Dungeons! I have an image to uphold."

"Then I guess we'll just have to see who wins the World Cup, won't we?" Aurora snickered, consuming the rest of her food.

And that's how they spent the rest of the night. They listened to a majority of the match while sitting at the kitchen table, but once the food and dishes were put away, they moved to the living room. With his back against the cushions, Severus planted his feet on the ground whereas Aurora lay across the couch, her feet dangling over her husband's legs.

"And would you look at them, folks!"

"Yes, what a sight ti believe! The stands are going wild. It seems the end of the Quidditch World Cup might be over sooner than we thing!"

"Oh wait, wait! It seems Miran is after the Snitch! Will he be able to capture it and win? As of right now, Bulgaria is in the lead with one-hundred and sixty points!"

"If Ireland catches the snitch, they win by a ten-point lead!"



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