chapter 31

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5 years later
"Mommy mommy mommy Eric hit me in the head with the bat now it hurts really bad". My five year old runs up to me crying as she tells on her brother. "Eric come here now this is the second time this week you have hit your sister with that bat bring it to me now". My handsome prince comes down the hallway dragging the bat his father got him for Christmas. I ask him what happened and he starts to cry saying " Ericka started it she always starts it then runs and tells shes nothing but a tattle teller i don't like playing with her anymore". I tell him that's not nice to say and take the bat from him telling Ericka to stop provoking her brother and messing with him. I tell them both to go in their room until they can behave i go down stairs and fix them some lunch. As i call them the door opens and Drew walks in he kisses me then the kids asking how everyone day went i let him know that Eric hit Ericka with the bat and i took it away. He talks to a messy face Eric and tells him don't do it again but gives him a high five saying boys rule. I don't understand those two they finish eating and it is nap time i try to keep them on the same schedule for when they go back to school. Right now their our in break and ill be more then happy when they go back Andrew comes back down stairs telling everyone to go change into their bathing suit i tell him its their nap time but they wine so i let them slide this one time. We all get changed and go get in our backyard pool. As i look at them playing i feel like the happiest woman in the world we are just right. After spending about two hours and a half in the pool the kids get sleepy so i tell them go take a bath and hop in bed. They do as told then Drew and i have some alone time he asks me how i feel about having another baby i ask why and he says he wants one. I jump up with joy and tell him I'm so happy he said that because I'm already pregnant i was just waiting for the right time to tell him. We sit and talk more and I'm just happy that my life is better then ever and our family is expanding i will always wake up happy knowing I've achieved my life goals i am satisfied.

The end.

We've come to an end i can't believe it i hope you guys enjoyed and will continue to read books i post. Be on the look out for my up coming book But He Loves me you wont regret reading i promise also make sure you check out my girl Porche_Beautiful up coming book Give It All You Got once again thanks for reading and Make sure you read my new book!!!!<3 <3

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