chapter 13

16 1 1

Back to Angela p.o.v.

I'm sitting in the theater watching monsters inc. I know that's a kid movie don't judge me cause this movie still the shit. My phone starts ringing and i see its drew calling me he just left like 5 minutes ago what could he possibly want. I answer and he says "bae i just wanted to tell you i love you i don't know if i said it or not before i left." I tell him "i love you to drew but I'm bout to head to my house real quick i need somemore things" "baby can't you wait til i get home from work i still don't feel to safe with you being their" i tell him its only gone take all of 5 min for what i need to get". I finally get him to agree after basically begging him for ten minutes. We hang up the phone and i go get my keys and purse since im already dressed. Getting in my car i crank it up plug up my phone and put my music on shuffle. Exiting the gates i pull onto the road and head to my house. I start feeling like im being followed and i look in my rear view mirror to see the same black car that had been following me before. I call Andrew on instinct and he picks up on the second ring i tell him what's going on and he tells me to turn some corners to be sure. I do as I'm told and the car is still behind me i tell drew and he tells me to come straight to his office. I start in the direction of his office when i get another call i tell drew hold on and answer the other line its my job telling me they need me to come in i tell them I'm on my way and click back over. Andrew is still on the line waiting and i tell him what's going on he says okay and i hang up and head to my house to get my clean scrubs. Reaching home i hurry up and get my things and as I'm about to head out the door my lock twist and i.hear footsteps coming in my house. I grab a knife out the kitchen and hide in my pantry. The footsteps get closer and closer and then i hear an really loud crash i open the door to see a pale faced Andrew. I ask him what the hell is going on and why he broke in he told me he saw the person in the black car they were at my door but rann off when he said something. He told me he didn't feel comfortable letting me come here alone so he came as soon as we got off the phone i kiss him and hurried up and got ready. I lead us out the door and tell andrew to lock it he does and hands me my keys i head to my car kiss Andrew and make my way to SGMC.

Just to sweetHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin