Apricus 13-3

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~SOTD:- Really Really by Winner~

Jiwon was bored in her room and had nothing to do. Maybe she will go shopping after some time but she was getting lazy. While she was debating whether she should go shopping or go explore the headquarters, someone knocked on the door.

“Who is it?” she asked.

“It’s me. Lacy” said the voice.

Jiwon sighed but opened the door thinking to give her a chance and swore she would kick her out if the topic would be related to some over Lacy talks.

“Hello!” she greeted with a smile, “Uh, do you have any plans today?”

“Not really,” said Jiwon, “Why?”

“I wanted to go shopping but I am scared to go alone,” she said.

“Really? You go on dangerous missions all by yourself and shopping on your scares you?” Jiwon laughed.

“No, it's not that but my brain cells love to spend money on unnecessary things so I might need your help for that,” said Lacy avoiding eye contact with Jiwon because she was embarrassed. Although Jiwon feels Lacy is weird, sometimes she finds her cute.

“Ok, but what are you gonna buy? You have enough plushies” asked Jiwon.

“Some cute clothes and makeup” replied Lacy, “Hey, I don’t always go shopping to buy plushies”

“Ok then, go get ready,” said Jiwon.


Lacy and Jiwon were ready to go shopping and were almost at the exit but someone stopped them.

“What?” asked Jiwon annoyed.

“Going somewhere ladies?” asked Jungmo.

“Shopping” replied Lacy.

“Am I invited?” smirked Jungmo.

“Of course not” replied Jiwon and pulled Lacy to the exit.

“Why am I never invited to anything?” said Jungmo to himself.

“Cause you to invite trouble,” said Seongmin walking towards the exit with Allen.

“You guys are going shopping too?” asked Jungmo with expectations.

“We are going on a mission but you are not invited” Allen managed to say that before Jungmo could ask for an invitation and both of them walked away.

Jungmo’s expectations got scattered into pieces. “I never wanted to come through. Anyways be safe and make sure to kill yourselves on the mission” greeted Jungmo.

As Jungmo was walking towards his dorm, he passed Serim’s room and could hear everyone having a good time. Jungmo was mad and opened the door.

“Seems like people are enjoying a small gathering,” said Jungmo.

“Hey Jungmo, come sit down!” invited Serim.

“You guys didn’t even think to invite me? And now when I invited myself, you think it’s a great idea of inviting me?” said Jungmo.

“I came to your room but YOU were the one who said ‘leave me alone! I’m petting my hamster when you have no pet” said Wonjin.

“Cause I was arguing and thinking of something so important that I hate when someone interrupts me,” said Jungmo.

“How do you argue all by yourself?” thought Woobin who was sipping tea.

“Would you be kind and share what was the topic about?” said Minhee.

Apricus 13 | Cravity FFWhere stories live. Discover now