Apricus 13-26

26 2 0

~SOTD:- Gas Pedal by Cravity~


"Someone is at the door! Go open the door!" said the speaker. Everyone at the table waiting for food gulped.

"Who wants to volunteer?" asked Hyeongjun because he was not going to sacrifice his life first. 

There were 30 seconds of silence where Hyeonjun, Minhee, Yongseo, Wonjin, Jiwon, Seongmin, and Lacy were avoiding eye contact. 

"I will go," said Beeda, who stood up, breaking the silence.

"How brave of you to say that," said Lacy.

"I will come with you," said Eun-sang.

Serim was concerned so he followed Beeda too while everyone just peeked outside the dining room.

Beeda was ready with her bat and so were Eun-sang and Serim. Beeda opened the door.

"Hello, pizza delivery here!" said a cheerful man who was dressed up in pizza delivery guy's clothes.

"Oh, pizza? Ugh..," said Beeda who was confused.

"Yep! Here!" said the delivery guy giving the pizza boxes, "now, I take my leave!" 

The pizza guy went away. Everybody was clueless. 

"Maybe this is the dinner they were talking about?" said Woobin.

Allen shrugged, "Probably,"

Jungmo opened the pizza boxes, surprisingly there was food. "Wow, they gave us pizza to eat," said Taeyoung, surprised. 

"Are we allowed to eat?" asked Lacy.

"The pizza slices appear to be bigger. Grab a pizza slice and fill your energy for the future!" said the speaker.

They all grabbed a slice each and had their food.

Taeyoung silently took the second slice of pizza.

"Take only one, you greedy noob!" said the speaker which made Taeyoung jump.

Everyone looked at Taeyoung and he just smiled sheepishly. 

"The pizza is good!" commented Woobin.

"Yeah, I wonder what the ingredients are," said Yongseo.

During their feast, few folks got bored and thought of exploring the place. Wonjin, Jungmo, and Taeyoung have created chaos as usual for no reason.

Hyeongjun on the other hand was curious about the painting located on the wall of the main hall. It was the painting of a ship on which there was 'CASTAWAYS' highlighted with golden color. The chaos started to turn into a fistfight where Jungmo pushed Wonjin and Wonjin fell towards Hyeongjun which made Hyeongjun hit the painting with his head. The painting, being a small mystery, easily fell and made a big thud sound.

Everyone in the house came to look for the sound. 

"OUCH!" yelled Hyeongjun with pain. 

"Hyeongjun found a secret safe! There might be the right combination to decipher!" said the speaker.

"Wow! A safe behind a painting!" said Woobin who was amazed.  

"It looks like it needs a code; Four digits code," said Hyeongjun. 

"Let's find the clues for the code," suggested Eun-sang.

Before they could move, there was a sudden continuous flicker of light. Lacy gulped and hid behind Beeda. 

Apricus 13 | Cravity FFWhere stories live. Discover now