chapter 25

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Hours later.....

I slip into my black dress, its single arm flowing down my side. My rouged cheeks covering my eyes as I smile into the camera. Dougie snaps the photo and links his arm around mine. Steadily, we leave our room and lock the door. We hear the distinct french chatter surrounding us and smell the beautiful food cooking. "Ah..." Dougie breathes out "smells lush" he says. "Using my favourite word are we" I copy Miranda. "Using the are we, are we?" He retorts. We burst out laughing. "Bonjour! Çava?" The host greets us. "Çava bien merci, et toi?" I reply. Dougie smiles. "Ah tres bien! Merci!" He leads us to the table. "Your menu.' The waiter walks away, leaving us to choose our meals. "Well, I am glad I listened in my french classes!" I laugh. " Yeah; I didn't have a clue... glad I've got you! The snails sound good." "Ugh! No way. We tried them on my french trip at school and they were yuck. I swear its insides spurted into ny mouth!" I exclaim. "Eww! That's a no..."

30 minutes later
Our meals arrive and we thank the waiter. " This looks delicious," says Dougie, "much better than snails." I nod my head in agreement as I take a massive spoon full of soup. Unexpectedly, I slurp the soup and Dougie's head shoots up. He looks into my eyes for a split second and then we burst out in giggles. " Aren't I just so lady like?!" I laugh, taking a sip of my wine. " Totally" replies Dougie, placing his hand onto mine. We sit in that position for a minute, looking deep in to each other's eyes.

After dessert, Dougie grabs my hand and leads me back to our room.

I unlock the door as we kiss. Dougie lifts me on to his waist and kicks the door shut as he pushes me down on to the bed, the mattress bouncing me up and down. We strip eachother bit by bit and mutter words of affection. (We all know what happens)...

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