Thank you!!

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Thank you so much to all of you for reading my story!!! I never thought I'd actually finish an actual story of my own (even if the ending was awful). I would like to have done more but my heart just isn't in this story anymore... I haven't gone off McBusted of McFly or anything, but my life has been quite busy and different, with me beginning GCSEs! Butttttt.... I would love to do some more short writings so I'm going to start doing some imagines!!!! 

All you have to do is send me a message or comment on this story with the following things-

Name, hair colour, eye colour, person of your choice, any particular requests for the plot and type of imagine.

I will try my best for these but I'm really busy recently with my majorettes troupe, school work, pets and an unlucky love life.  :)

I hope to type onto this wattpad write area again very soon... Until then, HAPPY READING!

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