chapter twelve

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Dougie calls the midwife who is coming to the house because he have a home birth planned. He calls his mum, Jazzie, my parents, the McPeeps and a mystery person who he won't tell me about. All the guys and others get here in fifteen minutes but still no sign of the mystery person.

Two hours into labour and it's agony! I yell in pain. "Owwwww fuck!"as another contraction attacks. I'm sat on a birthing ball, and then there is a knock at the door. The five members of 1D walk into the room and I find myself smiling at Dougie. " You organised this?" I ask him smiling. He nods. "Thank you dougwash. Arrrrrrghh!"

Another hour of this passes and it's worse. "Argh!" I yell. Then the midwife says "Amy, it's time to push." Dougie comes to sit with me and the other peeps leave the room. This is a Doug and Amy time. So I'm in the middle of my living room about to give birth to my twins who are my first with Dougie holding my hand and another hand rested on my knee with towels surrounding me knowing that one of my favourite boy bands is outside the door. The midwife says "Amy, breath like we said and one the count of three I need you to push. 1.2.3" "Argghhh! Dougie, you do not realise how much I hate you right now!" I lift my head up, accidentally head butting him. I laugh for a second and so does he. The midwife counts to three again and I push. "Arrrrrrghhh!" That is pain! Dougie starts to look really happy again. "I can see the head!" He yells and we hear cheers from outside. We laugh and then I have to push again. I yell in pain again as Dougie strokes my hair and bends down to kiss me on my forehead. After a second I hear a cry and the midwife says "Congratulations! You have a baby girl!" I get a little break before the next one. After about a minute we are back where we started. I push "Argghhh!" and Dougie says "It's okay Amy, you're doing really well!" That spurs me on and I push again, this time yelling a little less, but still alot. On the third and final push I heard a baby cry and the midwife say "It's a boy! Congratulations!"

Ten minutes later, I'm holding my beautiful girl called Amba and Dougie is holding baby Darius and we're surrounded by friends and family. The guys are all patting Dougie on the back and the girls are all cooing over the babies. I'm feeding Amba when we all quieten down. "So what are their full names?" Asks Niall. "Amba Samantha Poynter and Darius Niall Poynter. " I reply. They all look at us. "We chose Niall because well, I love that name and I totally don't have favourites *cough cough* Niall." And we all burst out laughing. "So would the Darius' god father like to hold Darius?" Dougie asks. All the boys look at eachother wondering who I'll choose. "Niall?" He looks up at me for a second. "Are you sure?" He asks " Yes. Now please hold him because we need a photo." We all laugh and Niall smiles whilst he holds his god son. "And while we're at god parents, I chose Amba's god parents. Her god father is Harry Judd because Pudd is forever!" Dougie begins "And her god mother is Izzy because of the obvious." We all laugh. Then I speak "and as we already know Darius's god father, I will go straight to her god mother who is Gi because we're practically sisters." I finish. We all hug and me and Dougie kiss yet again. We put the twins to bed and just sit in the nursery watching our kids sleep for the first time. Dougie puts his arm around my waist and we peck lips.

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