chapter six

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The next day...

Doug and I are in the car to the doctors. We're really excited! Dougie pulls up and we hop out of the car. After sitting in the waiting room for fifteen minutes, a doctor (a girl with blonde hair) comes out. "Amy O'Kelly!" Me and Dougie stand up and begin walking towards her. "Sorry, sir, you can't come through" she tells Doug. "Oh, he's my fiancé. " I reply. "Okay, if you could follow me please." She brings us to a room which is stereotypically painted white. "So, I understand that you think you may be pregnant." She says, speaking to me. "Yes, I've taken three tests and they were all positive." I answer, smiling at Dougie. "Ok, so if you'd just urinate in this pot so we can double check. " I take the pot and head to the toilets. I do as the instructions say and head back to the same room. I hand over the pot and she says "We'll call you when the results are ready. It should take fifteen to twenty minutes. You can wait in the waiting room." So me and Dougie nod and walk towards the waiting room where we drink hot chocolate and chat about fantasy baby rooms. "Amy O'Kelly" the same doctor calls and we stand up once more. She takes us to the same room as before. We sit down and hold hands. "So, Amy, I have your results and they are positive. You are indeed pregnant. Congratulations!" "Thank you so much!" We leave and just sit in the car for a few minutes while we just sit smiling. We kiss and then put our seat belts on. "I think this calls for a band meeting!" We agree and I call the guys, not giving any hints, but telling them to bring the McGirls. When we finally arrive home, we eat a pot noodle then the boys and girls arrive. We seat them around the table and stand at the head. "Me and Dougie have some important news for you." I say with a completely straight face. " You're not splitting up are you?" Danny says. Me and Dougie keep completely strainght faces. "For crying out loud! What's he done now?" says Tom. I can't help but giggle. "Me" I think to myself. Me and my dirty mind. Dougie is probably thinking the same thing. Suddenly, my face goes completely serious. "Oh. I will tell you what this bafoon has done." I say accusingly. "This idiot has only gone and...." I take a deep breath and keep my face completely serious. "He's only gone and... Got me pregnant!" I say, allowing myself to smile at the successful prank. The boys sigh and smile, the girls squeal and are already planning a baby shower. The boys come and pat Dougie on the back, offering congratulations to us both. "Good one." Says Harry, laughing. "You scared the crap out of us!" Said Gi. "Yeah. I really thought he had done something." Georgia says. "Never ever do that again!" Says Izzy. We all sit giggling and end up staying up untill midnight watching movies. When the McPeeps had left, me and Doug just sat there smiling at eachother. He leaned into me, tilting his head to the right. I leaned towards him, also tilting my head to the right. I lock my lips onto his, as we move in perfect synchronization. He puts his hand around the back of my head and I do the same for him. He licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I don't hesitate and let him in. We shift out bodies closer together as we become one. Dougie's other hand moves to my hip and mine slips behind his head, tugging gently at his hair. Our tongues fight for dominance, and his wins as usual. He murmurs through the kiss "I love you Ames". I feel his breath mix with mine as I reply "I love you too babe." He moves gently on top of me as we transition from a totally innocent kiss to a make out session. He carefully leans me back onto the sofa and plays with my hair. I play with his hair in return and he straddles me. We swap places and carry on, his minty breath meeting mine. I sit on his hips as I lean forwards to reach him. My left hand grips his shoulder and I pull myself up towards him. He puts his right hand on my hip as my right hand fondles with his blonde fringe. His lips move to my neck where he finds my weak spot. He sucks on my skin, leaving a mark and I moan in joy. We stop kissing for about two seconds to catch our breath and then continue as we were. He bends his left leg to keep me from slipping as we turn over. His hand is on my bum as we do so and mine is on his back. We keep murmuring "I love you's" to eachother and I slowly remove his top. He shakes his head and I get that. I guess today isn't the day for that. Regardless, we carry on, fully clothed. He sits back from his straddle position and moves to a sat up position, bringing me with him as we stop to breath. We kiss one more time before bringing our little ten minute session to an end.

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