chapter twenty two

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I am awoken by a shimmer of light from the nylon curtains, and I feel a hand on my waist, just above my hip. I smile and carefully move his hand away as I roll over to be more comfortable. I check the time on my phone. 9:30. A bit later than expected. Laying my head back on to the pillow, turning back to my original position and replacing Dougie's hand. Closing my eyes, I move my head closer to his and fall asleep.

Half an hour later...

I stir again as I feel Dougie wake up. "Morning." He croaks as I open my eyes. Dougie gets out of the bed and shuts the white curtains before joining me once more. He replaces his hand to my waist and we snuggle into eachother. "Morning!" I chirp. " So someone's a morning person today." He states. "Well,

I'm not going to be grumpy on our first proper married morning, Hubby." "I guess so, Wifey." "What are we going to do today then?" I ask "Well, we shall have some breakfast and then I have a little something planned." "Ooooh. Get you Mr, planning ahead. What have you got planned?" "That's a surprise!" I groan and get up to get dressed. I pick out a fairly short green dress with thin straps before retrieving some underwear from my case and heading to the shower. I head into the shower room and turn it ip so that it will be fairly hot. The shower chokes out the water as I climb in and draw the curtain shut. The water drops run down my neck as I wash my hair and shave my legs and armpits. I turn the shower off and climb out. I flip my hair back and towel dry it slightly. Slipping on my underwear and dress with my hair in a turban wrap to allow it to dry. Dougie takes my place in the bathroom and I dry my hair with tge hairdryer so it becomes soft and fluffy. I dry in some heat protect and straighten it. After that, I apply some nude tone lipstick and put on my owl earrings and necklace along with a silver bangle. I add green ballet pumps and choose a pink mini hand bag. "Ready?" Calls Dougie from by the doorway. "Yeh. Just coming." As we get into the car, I look back as the façade of the hotel disappears. "Please tell me where we're going!" "Ok. So I heard about this place called the locks of love bridge which crosses the river Seine. Anyway, basically, couples get a padlock and write their names on it and then they lock it onto the bridge and throw the key into the river saying 'we will be in love forever'. I thought this would be great for us to do that." He pulls out a regular looking padlock and a key with a sharpie pen, green obviously. "What do you want to write?" "Um... not sure. What about 'Amy and Dougie', on a little heart 'forever and always'" I suggest. "Sounds sweet. What about 'Amy and Dougie Poynter, always together'" "YES! Perfect." He writes on the message with his neatest handwriting and draws a love heart in the corner of the lock. He writes our initials on the key and shows me. "That's so cool!" The car stops and we are pulled up by a bridge which is covered in padlocks. "It's beautiful!" I exclaim as we walk, hand in hand along the bridge. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot an empty patch. " There's a spot there, babe." I say, looking up to him. "Do you want to lock it there?" He asks. I nod and we head over to the spot we have chosen. " Do you want to do the honours?" Dougie asks. " Why don't we just do it together?" I smile and we squat down. We place both our hands on the padlock as we thread it through the wire, gently clipping it into place, to stay there forever. Dougie snaps a photo on his phone and we stand up, stretching our legs. We grasp the key between our hands and say out loud "we will be in love forever". Watching the key fall into the water, making a small splash. We kiss passionately. "I love you babe." Dougie says as we walk along the bridge, taking in the locks as we go. "I love you too." I say, burying my face into his chest. We get back into the car which drives down a street and pulls up in a car park.

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