chapter one

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I wake up to a smell of after shave. I slowly flicker my eyes open, using my nails which are painted purple, but badly chipped to wipe away the sleeping dust. I inhale the clean air as deeply as possible and turn onto my opposite side. I look over my left shoulder to see an empty space in the double bed beside me, as I slowly reach over, I feel it is still warm. Music plays quietly from the other side of the door as I come to my senses. Automatically, I lift up the duvet and check myself. I'm naked... well this has escalated quickly. So, I sharply sit up to look around the room, sniffing my skin. Not my shower gel. That's Dougie's shower gel. I blink slowly with a slight smile on my face as I relax a bit. I get up from the bed and put on my bra and pants. I slipped on Dougie's blue shirt and wander through the door to find the McFly boys sat on the sofa. Because this isn't embarrasing. I feel my cheeks burn red as the boys turn to look at me. Dougie has a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes when he sees me in his shirt. Danny gives a wolf whistle as I walk in my usual fashion, similar to a strut, over to Dougie and plant a kiss on his cheek. "Do you want some coffee, babe?" I ask, leaning over his shoulder. "Could you? You really are the best babe." He replies, turning his head to face me. "Naww. Love you dougwash!" Cue a chorus of awwws from the boys. "Love you too Ames." He replies, both of us shooting evil glances at the boys. "Aw, c'mon Amy! We only wanna have a bit of fun!" Tom perks up. Not like him... I tut as I walk towards the coffee machine to make our morning drink. I hear the boys leave as the door clicks and Dougie walks into the kitchen. He wraps his arms around my waist and puts his chin on my shoulder. "Last night was great" he said, I feel his jaw move on my shoulder. " I know. I loved it. So glad I've got you. " I turn to face him and hand him his cup. "Cheers darling. Oh! You need to be dressed up in your best by six, because we are going on a date tonight. Don't even try to ask where because I won't tell you." I raise my right eyebrow and take a sip of my tea. "Ok"

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