Chapter 26

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A/N: Hi guys! sorry for my massive delay, but I've lost interest in the story for a while and I've actually begun to write a new Brendan Murray Fan fiction. But I've decided to write it before publishing it :) Any way, I'm back now!!! I will be skipping a few years, simply because I have no idea what I want to write any more, I suppose this story just isn't really working out in my head, but you can look forward to a Brendan fanfic, and maybe even a Danfic or a philfic!! 

*Skipping a few years*

It's six years since I married Dougie, and they have been the best six years of my life. The twins have started school and are doing really well, accept the time they decided it would be fun to put PVA glue in Dougie's hair as he slept. If I'm honest, I did get my laughs from that. We also have another little girl called Tokyo, who is two, and a boy called Marty. Yes, like Marty McFly. He is five. I suppose you could say he's our honeymoon baby. 

McFly are still together and they plan to be for a long time coming, even though all the guys have families, as has James Bourne! Danny and Georgia have two little girls and a boy called Elenor, Jessica and David. Tom and Gi have two boys called Buzz and Jonathan. Harry and Izzy have a girl called Darcie and a boy called Leroy. James is married to a girl called Aisling and they have a baby girl called Jenna and have a baby on the way. Of course, we all know Matt is married to Emma (Isn't she just perfect and goals?!) with two kids called Ace and Isabella. We are all so happy and wouldn't have it any other way....

Maybe this just shows that Love is Easy...

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