chapter ten

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One month later...

So I'm seven months and very big. I'm currently curled up on the sofa with Dougie while I play with his hair. We are watching my favourite film, one direction: this is us. Yes, I'm a directioner. Which reminds me-the boys are coming to out house later.

A few hours later

There is a knock at the door and we both go to open it. We are greeted by five young men stood by our door. I smile "Come in guys".

So we were all sat around the table (with 1D) chatting about McFly and 1D and me apparently. Basically, Dougie decides to show the boys the nursery. I hobble upstairs with Dougie's aid, Niall, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Harry behind us. Doug and I enter the nursery with one direction looking around. Louis picks up some toys and starts playing with them and Harry looks at the baby grows. We all sit in a circle, me on a chair, looking at baby stuff, leaving Louis to sit with the toys. He is such a kid. Passing around baby scans, clothes and everything is so much fun even if it's with one girl and six boys. After looking at all that they start basically interviewing me about babies. Awkward. So how do you explain pregnancy to twenty year old men? You don't. "I've really got to go to the loo. 'Scuse me a sec" and I go towards the toilet.

Dougie's pov

After Amy went to the loo, I'm guessing she was feeling a bit awkward, I decided to ask the boys a favour. "So guys, you obviously know that we're getting married and that Amy is a fan of yours. I was wondering if you would sing at our wedding." I ask, unsure of what they may say. "It'd be an honour. " says Niall after the boys confir for a second. "And also, we'd like for you to be at the twin's birth." I say hopefully. "Wow, we'd love to!" Says Louis. So, that's Amy's surprise sorted. Then she comes back from the toilet as it is time for the boys to go back to their house a few streets away.

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