chapter fifteen

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The next day

I'm laughing at Dougie as he struggles to put the pram together. We end up calling the One Direction boys over to help us out, and yet I still end up doing most of it. Niall is sat with Darius in his arms while me and Dougie get a photo. It's so cute! An hour later and the pram is finished so Dougie and I can go venue viewing.

The first venue is a beautiful country manor house with amazing green gardens and a huge fountain. This house is the one I have wanted to get married in all my life because it played a huge part in my childhood and my great nana worked there. A lady called Sarah is showing us around and I'm pretty sure we both love it. Once Sarah has shown us the whole place, Dougie and I sit at a table with the kids to talk it through. "I think this is the one." He tells ne, smiling from ear to ear. "I've always dreamed that I'd get married here. You know what it means to me. " and he nods. So we book the date for May 15th and we leave the house smiling as I wheel the pram away.

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