13 ☯ I Dare You

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I was wrong. As wrong as the conversation being held right in front of me at the moment between a six year old girl and her mom.

Basically, the little girl asks her mom where a ‘bajingo’ was.


She used the word bajingo.

The poor woman looked heartbroken and electrocuted when she asked her daughter “where did you hear that from?”

I decided to listen.

“Well when I went to play with my friends yesterday, I saw Cynthia yelling ‘owww! My bajingo!’ and when I asked the other girls what she meant, they all said it meant vagina but then I told them they were wrong because a vagina is where a man’s penis is and we can’t have one until we’re married and they –”

“Hallie,” the lady said uncomfortably, looking around to see if anyone just heard what her little daughter had proclaimed. Luckily, I was fast enough to look away and hold my laughter as much as I could. “How about we just get the ice-cream, okay?”

The little girl happily nodded, shining her crooked teeth at her mom. “I think I'm right anyway. Maybe a bajingo is a type of vagina for six year olds.”

The lady quickly took the girl’s hand and walked out of the line just when the person right in front of them had gotten their order.

I slammed my palm on the counter to get the cashier’s attention. “Hello there stranger.”

Adam looked up at me and back down like he didn’t recognize me. “Hey. I'm uh. I'm actually working now.”

I rolled my eyes, “no you're not. It’s your break time.”

“Well it wouldn’t hurt to work the extra hours, now would it?”

I pouted, “but it would. Especially since I believe you're ignoring me.”

I looked at him and waited for him to at least try to deny it, but he couldn’t because I was right.

The past week, I had been to his house five times and it was always the same thing; Mr. Ferguson telling me that I had just missed him.

Well, I guess that was a wrong on my part since I always texted him that I was on my way before leaving the house.

He never replied any of my texts or picked any of my calls.

I finally decided to leave the house and take the b-b-bu-bus. Ugh.

But even at that, his ignorance wasn’t half as painful as Cayson’s.

After the party night, I thought we actually bonded enough to be acquaintances. That was why the next morning, I had the guts to wave at him from my window to his when I saw him looking my way.

All he did was put on that pissed off grimace, get up and walk away.

Ever since then, I felt like killing is soul and mine and tying myself to a railway.

He had no right whatsoever to have that sort of effect on me.

I turned to Adam who was busying himself with anything other than me.

“If you want an apology, you’ll have to tell me what I did wrong first, Adam.” I sighed.

“And you sound so interested,” he gave me a sarcastic smile and walked into the storage room.

I sat there waiting for him for over twenty minutes with a confused expression on my face until I spotted him out of the ice cream shop with Cayson, Amanda, Jack and a familiar looking girl I recognized from Wes’s party.

Break Or Be Broken (formally known as Love Me Back)Where stories live. Discover now