8 ʊ Baked

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Burying my head in my pillow, I raised up my hands to show Stacey the middle finger as she attempted waking me up.

I had barely slept the previous night thanks to the stupid thoughts that dog boy named Cayson put in my head by giving me those lingering kisses on my neck.

My neck!

Of course, I made sure to let my hair cover up the side of my neck. I didn't want to know how Stacey would react if she saw his mark on me, but I could as well guess.

She'd scream and clap and tell me to give her details right after I've given a detailed explanation, because she always wants more. Her conclusion would be "OMG! He totally has a liking for you!" and she'd be terribly wrong.

Imagine if it was somewhere a little below the nose... y'know; just above the jaw.

Like oh my gosh we both have lips. Let's put them into good use.

I was slowly going insane.

"It's 7:34 in the morning Dana!" Stacey screamed into my ear.

"The more reason to sleep!" It was summer for freak sake. Who even let her in?

"Yeah but Adam texted you saying that he was on his way."

I literally jumped off my bed to cover her mouth. I couldn't afford her mentioning that if there was a high chance my mother could hear it. "Would you be quiet?!" I whispered as I checked my phone, just to find out she was lying.

"You're evil." I shook my head at her.

"And you don't use your brain properly," she said, admiring her nails. "Why in the world would I still be here if Adam was on his way?"

She made a lot of sense at that.

"Also, your mom said to tell you she'll be out for the rest of the day. With her friends. Doing girl stuff. Because, y'know she's a girl?"

"If you're trying to point at something, get to it already. I don't play beating around the bush when I'm not the one doing it." I rolled my eyes and managed to get off my bed.

"I'm saying we should go shopping!" She squealed.

It was too early for her madness.

I picked up my bathrobe and walked into the shower without giving her a reply.

What was I even going to say?

I could barely think of how to get in the shower and away from the mirror I was currently standing before.

Maybe it had to do with the fact that I was staring at Cayson's mark on me and I couldn't stop replaying the scenario from earlier this morning.

I didn't even get to touch his hair...

Maybe I even wished it would reoccur.


"A word starting with 'M'. Go!" Stacey ordered as soon as I stepped one foot back into the room.

It was this silly boring game we used to play when we were kids. You practically just yell out the first word of the called letter that pops into your head.

Adam was the one who introduced it to us. He said it'd let each other know how we felt at the given moment.


"M 'n' m," I yelled without hesitation while she yelled out 'Macy's."

The first thing I did was throw the first I saw scarf around my neck.

Break Or Be Broken (formally known as Love Me Back)Where stories live. Discover now