2 ▲ Rooftop Adventures

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Sorry, I forgot to say this earlier, but oh well, now I'm saying it :D

Picture of our enthusiastic Stace has been attached :D Also, I'll be trying to add Author's notes and all the other basic stuff.

I'm honestly trying my best...

Stace and I walked up to my room and began a plan for the theme and how it was going to turn out.

When we were right about done, she decided to bring up the matter of the stranger that happened to be my neighbor for the next two months, "sooooooo... Dana has a hot neighbor." She squealed and clapped her hands together, smiling at me cheerfully.

"So what?" I shrugged and lifelessly flung my body unto the bed.

"So what? God, Dana! Don't be such a dull dolly. You have a world out there... well in this case, right next to your house... don't you want to know how it feels to have sex with Cayson Arnett?!"

"Who the heck is that?" I questioned, ignoring her thotful thoughts. Honestly, I didn't see any reason to act all awkward about sex or anything like that. We were all young adults... who could easily get herpes.

YOLO? Yeah no thanks, if YOLO equals YODO.

"I mean I get that you can be stupid but can't you pretend a little? Who do you think? Who else are we talking about here?" she rolled her eyes at me as she got off the floor she sat cross-legged.

"If you gave a simple 'your neighbor', I may have gotten the hint. Now, you've wasted words and I can't look at you the same way." I stuck my hands at her and turned away.


"We both know I'm nothing near that, Hun." If anyone was the 'geek' amongst Stacey, Fynn, Parker, Adam and I, it would be Adam, and even at that, he wasn't a geek. He was just the one with the better grades. "So how do you know his name anyway?"

She shrugged timidly, probably trying to shy her way from telling me what was on her mind, and if she ever did that, then I would know that news wasn't so good. But I always knew how to bring out the truth, even if I knew I probably never want to hear it.

"Stacey! Did you have some history with that guy?" I asked, like this Cayson dude was the biggest delinquent I had ever seen, when maybe he wasn't. But I mean, if I were a human being who judged people by appearances first, I would call him that.

The lip piercing? He wasn't wearing any lip ring but I could see a puncture... but then maybe it was just a wound?

But even at that, I could've sworn I saw a slight view of what looked like a tattoo from beneath his grey shirt. Maybe it was just spilled ink?

"If I had a history with him, don't you think I'd be beaming and gloating right now? I mean if Adam was a girl, he'd probably be doing that."

"Wait." I cut her off, "Adam?" What the hell did he have to do with Cayson? "He's... he's Cayson's boyfriend?"

"No! Where did you get that idea from?" she shook her head as she laughed, "I meant him and Cayson are really close. Like almost unbreakable. I see them hangout a lot, with a bunch of other... idiots."

Her enthusiastic voice dropped to a low-life one at that last word. It wasn't any puzzle to know that my friend was feeling gloomy. Something worried her, and it worried me too of course. "What's wrong?"

She looked up at me and gave a sad smile, "there's something you should know." Girl, I knew that from the beginning but I'm listening. "Adam... Adam, Flynn, Parker and me aren't so... 'Close' anymore. I'm sorry to ruin any fantasy you've had planned in your head but whatever you thought you could do with all of us together, you'll just have to do individually."

Break Or Be Broken (formally known as Love Me Back)Where stories live. Discover now