11 ☎ Third Time's a Charm

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“Rotate!” Amanda cried out in my ear slapping my head back to reality and since I totally forgot we were playing some volleyball, like an idiot, I began rotating on the same spot.

“Why is she on our team again?” Adam cried out with a chuckle and I quickly stopped my little show.

How embarrassing.

You picked her. Because she’s your best friend.” Amanda hissed.

“I doubt that's it” our heads spun to see who spoke. Cayson. “Cause I always thought it was something more to it than that.”

“Shut up Cayson.” Adam said and when I turned to look at him, I caught him when he quickly looked down to the beach sand.

I quickly moved to the spot I was supposed to stand on. And the game went on rather awkwardly.

I couldn’t keep my head in the game because my mind kept going back to the previous night.

For a moment then, Cayson had actually tried to not be an asshole, even though it was short-lived. He obviously didn’t want me as a friend. But even at that, I left my window open. I'm not sure he came though, because when I woke up the next morning, his guitar was still perfectly kept in the case.

I went to bed with an angry mind and had dreamt about flying with the stars, plus there was this beautiful tune that played in my head and I didn’t want to wake up. That was until Adam had bounced unto my bed and kept jumping up and down and therefore interrupting my sleep. But when I remembered my mother was probably home, and she didn’t want him anywhere near her house and most especially in my room, I wanted to cry my eyes out.

But apparently, she was still asleep. Hadrian had confirmed that some guy dropped her off and took a cab to go home or wherever he was going. He also said she had been reeking of alcohol. So I took it she went for a party later on because I was up till at least 12 thinking about Cay – I mean thinking, and she never got home.

Of course when I asked Hadrian if this guy was good looking, he told me to wait for mom to wake up.

But I couldn’t just sit back and wait for her to wake up when my friends were waiting for me to come get them so we can have some girl fun, so I had gone to wake mom up while Adam waited in my room.

It went a little something like this;

“Mom. I need a ride to Gibson Drive.”

“Yeah, you can date him. I don’t care.”

“Mom!” This time I had tried shaking her a little so she could have some consciousness.

“I'm not hungry! Dana go away,” she whined.

“I need a ride to a hotel at Gibson Drive!”

She immediately sat up and the look of worry on her face couldn’t be mistaken. “Who are you going to a hotel to meet?”

“My friends who just came in from Houston,” I deadpanned.

I watched her as she contemplated on how to deal with this. “Why don’t you ask Stacey or – or Adam! Adam can drive you.”

I looked her puzzled, “mom. You said you didn’t want me hanging out with him, though?”

Her expression turned to a confused one, “I said that?”

I slowly nodded.

She smiled, “thanks for reminding me,” and she flopped back unto her bed and back to sleep, causing me to roll my eyes.

But of course I didn’t give up. I was determined. “Mom! So you’ll take me then.”

“Later in the afternoon!” she screamed into her pillow but of course it was directed at me.

Break Or Be Broken (formally known as Love Me Back)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon