4 ❣ Tangled

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Hey guys! Okay so this chaper has been uploaded.

No shit Fucking Sherlock.Currently listening to Jealous by my baby dady - Nick Jonas ;)

He says hi btw... don't use that as an excuse to say hi to him :|

Okay, my batter life is 7% so I'll just go now.


And yes, yo're free to get jealous about my relationship with Nick Jonas

Sigh... I need a cat & a dog!

Certain times in life, people say things that don't require a response, or simply don't have one.

Certain times in life, you feel like you have to respond to everything.

The category I fell into was the latter, at that point in time.

I swallowed hard, "fuck mates." I repeated. Mates. 'S'.

"Yeah. Girls I've hit it with."

Again with the female plurals...

"So there's a 77.28% chance you have an STD." I stated bluntly without even thinking.

He looked at me, slightly interested in where I was going with this, "I can assure you I'm free of those. You seem so attracted to my sex life. If you're planning on being a part of it, you should know I have standards that you don't reach up to." He said it in a rude manner. Imbecile.

"Even if I did want to," I said as my phone buzzed in my pocket, "I would've easily changed my mind."

He tilted his head to my direction, holding eye contact "Too bad resisting temptation is challenging" he said, voicelessly; almost like a whisper.

I quickly got up and walked as far away from him, as if he could be able to hear my heartbeat from all the way down there...


Who said anything about a heart beating?

Oh right... me. I was probably just feeling intimidated... that was probably it.

"Rona!" I exclaimed into the phone after looking at the caller ID first. Rona was my best friend. We'd been best friends for four years now, and I honestly couldn't imagine life without her. "Bull shit I'm freaking out here. You won't even believe it. When was the last time my heartbeat for a guy? When I was with that dick, Kevin right? I know! And why? Because I stupidly liked him right? Cause I was attracted to him. So please tell me I'm not attracted to a stranger I just met yesterday." I didn't pause once to breathe.

The reply I got was not what I expected at all. First of all, it wasn't her voice I heard when I heard "hey, Dana." Second of all, "it's Kevin."

You wouldn't blame me for panicking and ending the call immediately I heard my ex boyfriend introduce himself to me over Rona's phone, especially since I just explained a situation meant for only Rona's ears.

I couldn't even talk to Stacey about this, or Adam. I just had to open my big fat mouth without waiting for the caller to speak first!

"Idiot! Idiot!!!" I grunted, almost about to beat myself up in public. Yes. In fucking public.

I saw Rona's caller ID flash up on my screen again, and I quickly turned off my phone. I was majorly screwed.

Without thinking twice, I began walking towards the ice-cream shack we had dropped Adam off in and well, it wasn't quite busy as it was earlier after all.

Break Or Be Broken (formally known as Love Me Back)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin