20 ☣ Let's Play A Game

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"What are you doing here?" Cayson asked after he opened the door to his house. There was no trace of even the slightest smile on his face.

I brushed past him because I knew he wasn't inviting me in anytime soon.

I had spent all day hanging with Adam and just talking, but the pang of guilt I felt every time I remembered the look on Cayson's face dealt with me mercilessly.

I decided I didn't want to go to the bonfire party at the beach and from the look of things, so did Cayson.

"Looking for you," I said.

"Why? You already found your prince. Shouldn't you be riding off to the sunset with your boyfriend, Adam?"

"Adam's not my- ... Oh." I was so used to defense whenever someone called Adam my boyfriend. I was still adjusting. But even at that, I and Adam weren't exactly dating. Yet. We were just an item.

"My parents will soon return, and they don't like cheap artifacts hanging around in their house, so I suggest you live," he told me as he poured himself a glass of champagne.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He looked up at me with slit eyes. "It means you should leave."

"No. I won't," I said. "Not until you tell me why you lied to Adam about me being here."

"You really wanna know why?" He asked, jaw muscles tightened as he made his way towards me. "It's because you're a degrading company for a person of social class like me to keep. And with time, Adam will see that too."

I raised my hand to slap him, but decided otherwise.

He took a sip of his champagne. "Go ahead, chicken arms," he placed his flute on the replaced table. "Hit me."

I shook my head. "You're not worth it," I assured him. "Your Guitar will be waiting for you on my rooftop so you don't have to bother my sleep. Goodbye Arnett."

Suddenly the beach party sounded like fun.


Adam was highly happy to know I had changed my mind.

He literally forced me into a bikini. But of course before I left the house, I made sure to wear a shirt and a pair of shorts because I didn't want mom having second thoughts.

It was good enough that she was giving Adam and his family a second chance, I didn't want to give her a reason to change her mind.

I was surprised to see Hadrian tag along. We hadn't really spoken much lately, God knows why.

"Dana!" Lilian screeched as she left Jack's embrace to hug me. "Adam, I thought you said she wasn't coming. You liar," she joked.

"I changed my mind, needed to breathe in the ocean air," I smiled, inhaling and almost choking on the air.

"Easy," Jack said, patting me on the back.

"I'm fine," I told him. "Just part of the fun."

"Well you can't have fun in those clothes," I heard Rona say. "Take 'em off!"

"I second that motion," Jack smirked, earning a nudge on the abdomen from Lilian and a glare from Adam.

I quickly stepped on Adam's foot before Jack could notice.

We didn't want anyone knowing yet. We just wanted to keep it on the low and figure out what exactly we were getting ourselves into first.

"Take them off, Dana!" Rona pushed on.

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